Hybrid Hybrid Event

August 17, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm PDT

Revisiting Fundamentals: Resolve/Determination

Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Founding Teacher Dennis Warren

For biographical details about the teacher Dennis Warren, click here.

* The teacher will present in-person at the Dharma Center.
Hybrid events can be attended via Zoom or onsite at the Sacramento Dharma Center

Revisiting Fundamentals: Resolve/Determination

Why do some people face serious challenges, then go on to persevere or thrive, while others collapse, give up or quit? Why does facing serious difficulties result in some becoming stronger and more resilient, while seeming to break others?
Revolve or Determination is considered a pivotal skill in Buddhism. It implements and facilitates Intention and Aspiration. That’s what make it a Parami, a special quality of mind essential to deepening and maturing our meditation practice, as well as living a full and satisfying life. It is an elemental tool in working with difficulty, challenge, confusion, and doubt.

Dennis encourages you to watch a two-minute video entitled “Movements as Your Teacher Not as Taskmaster” by Ido Portal in preparation for this Thursday evening. Substitute “practice methods” for the word “movement” as you listen to the session. Then reflect on what, if anything, this has to do with your own meditation practice and your life. Refer to the YouTube video that we’ve included on this page.

The subject matter of this evening will be appropriate for all stages of practice. You can attend in person or by ZOOM. Dennis will be presenting in person and encourages you to be there in person as well.

Thursday Night Talk Dana

“Generosity is the virtue that leads to peace.” – The Historical Buddha
You may use the form above to donate by credit card or your PayPal account. Enter the amount you’d like to give and 75% of your donation will be shared with Dennis Warren.

Our website recently migrated to a new design and while we don't expect the donation form shown above to have problems, please Click Here if you need an alternate method for submitting your donation.

Join online meeting: https://zoom.us/join or join by phone at 1-669-900-6833
( Meeting ID: 874 0623 9886 and Passcode: 843332 )
For tips and instructions to join the meeting, click here to check this news blog.

Hybrid (in-person and online)

3111 Wissemann Drive (or *ZOOM)
Sacramento, CA 95826 United States
+ Google Map
Hybrid Hybrid Event

August 3, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm PDT

The Benefits and the Challenges of Being in Community

Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Community Teacher Diane Wilde

For biographical details about the teacher Diane Wilde, click here.

* The teacher will present in-person at the Dharma Center.
Hybrid events can be attended via Zoom or in-person at the Sacramento Dharma Center.

The Benefits and the Challenges of Being in Community
As a Buddhist community, we take refuge in the triple gem: the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.  It is important to understand  that the sangha is flawed and on occasion, bound to cause disappointment.  How could it be otherwise, when WE are the sangha.  Tonight’s discussion will be about the benefits of being in the SIM community and the larger SDC community, and the organizational and personal challenges that arise from a group of disparate individuals coming together. Community can be, if we allow it, a very practical guide to waking up to the suffering in our life and the lives of others.  And perhaps if we can skillfully navigate our relationships in our SIM and larger SDC community, we may find more ease in the wider communities of family, neighborhood, country… the planet.

Offer a Donation

Join online meeting: https://zoom.us/join or join by phone at 1-669-900-6833
( Meeting ID: 874 0623 9886 and Passcode: 843332 )
For tips and instructions to join the meeting, click here to check this news blog.

Hybrid (in-person and online)

3111 Wissemann Drive (or *ZOOM)
Sacramento, CA 95826 United States
+ Google Map
Hybrid Hybrid Event

July 27, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm PDT

How pleasant and unpleasant feelings (Vedanā) shape experience – Converging views from neuroscience and early Buddhism

(Hybrid) Sit & Dharma Talk with Visiting Teacher Rick Maddock

* The teacher will present in-person at the Dharma Center.
Hybrid events can be attended via Zoom or onsite at the Sacramento Dharma Center. 

How pleasant and unpleasant feelings (Vedanā) shape experience – Converging views from neuroscience and early Buddhism.
The five aggregates (skandhas) together encompass all aspects of experience. Vedanā is one of the aggregates and is often defined as the feeling tone of experience ranging along a continuum from pleasant, through neutral, to unpleasant. The Buddha attributed great importance to mindfulness and clear comprehension of Vedanā. It is the focus of the second establishment of mindfulness in the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta. We will discuss the nature of Vedanā and its relationship with the other aggregates using language and perspectives from both early Buddhism and modern neuroscience.

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RICK MADDOCK, MD, is a professor of psychiatry who teaches and conducts neuroscience research at the UC Davis School of Medicine. A long-time dharma practitioner with a focus on the teachings of early Indian Buddhism, Rick has completed Spirit Rock’s training programs for senior students and teaches dharma in the Sacramento area and Sierra foothills. His teachings explore the convergence between contemporary scientific insights about the human brain and the wisdom traditions and practices of Buddhism.

Join online meeting: https://zoom.us/join or join by phone at 1-669-900-6833
( Meeting ID: 874 0623 9886 and Passcode: 843332 )
For tips and instructions to join the meeting, click here to check this news blog.

Hybrid (in-person and online)

3111 Wissemann Drive (or *ZOOM)
Sacramento, CA 95826 United States
+ Google Map
Hybrid Hybrid Event

July 20, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm PDT

Truthfulness: Precept, Parami, and Profound

Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Community Teacher Rich Howard

For biographical details about Rich Howard, click here.

* The teacher will present in-person at the Dharma Center.
Hybrid events can be attended via Zoom or onsite at the Sacramento Dharma Center

Truthfulness: Precept, Parami, and Profound
A commitment to speaking the truth brings a sense of trust and safety to our relationships, and we reinforce this commitment when we take the fourth precept of refraining from harmful speech. Truthfulness (sacca in Pali) is also one of the Paramis, and it is said that this commitment to speak the truth was never broken by the Buddha on his way to awakening. As the same time, we are surrounded by a society which seems to thrive on untruthful, deceptive, or exaggerated communication. On this evening, we will look at various aspects of Truth in the Buddhist teachings, up to the profound Four Noble Truths, and explore how we can incorporate a commitment to truthfulness in our daily lives.

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Join online meeting:  https://us06web.zoom.us/join ( Meeting ID: 874 0623 9886) Passcode: 843332
For tips and instructions to join the meeting, click here to check this news blog.

Hybrid (in-person and online)

3111 Wissemann Drive (or *ZOOM)
Sacramento, CA 95826 United States
+ Google Map
Hybrid Hybrid Event

August 10, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm PDT

Seeing Impermanence, Learning to Let Go

Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Legacy Project Teacher Walt Opie

For biographical details about the teacher Walt Opie, click here.

* The teacher will present in-person at the Dharma Center.
Hybrid events can be attended via Zoom or onsite at the Sacramento Dharma Center

Seeing Impermanence, Learning to Let Go

We often hear the phrase to “just let it go,” but sometimes that can be frustrating advice. In this talk, we will explore the insights we are encouraged to investigate which can lead to a profound letting go as a result of ongoing insight meditation practice. It can also be very helpful on a less profound level in day-to-day life to understand the nature of constant change. In addition, Walt will reminisce about the recent loss of legendary Bay Area radio personality and beloved insight meditation teacher Wes “Scoop” Nisker, whose kindness, humor and humanness were very inspiring.

Offer a Donation

Join online meeting: https://zoom.us/join or join by phone at 1-669-900-6833
( Meeting ID: 874 0623 9886 and Passcode: 843332 )
For tips and instructions to join the meeting, click here to check this news blog.

Hybrid (in-person and online)

3111 Wissemann Drive (or *ZOOM)
Sacramento, CA 95826 United States
+ Google Map
Hybrid Hybrid Event

June 29, 2023 @ 7:00 pm 8:30 pm PDT

How to work with an unruly mind: the Buddha’s teaching on the removal of distracting thoughts

Sit & Dharma Talk with Visiting Teacher Jeff Hardin

* Hybrid events can be attended via Zoom or onsite at the Sacramento Dharma Center

How to work with an unruly mind: the Buddha’s teaching on the removal of distracting thoughts.
The suttas contain many practical teachings and one of the most useful and widely practiced set of instructions come from the Discourse on the Removal of Distracting Thoughts. This pithy teaching describes five progressive strategies to work with discursive thinking. More than just a theoretical exercise, these methods are meant to be practiced meditatively both on the cushion and off, in daily life. Join us tonight to gain insight on how to worki with thinking and how to develop a clearer, more focused mind.

Tonight’s teachings are based on the Majjhima Nikaya sutta number 20 “The Vitakkasaṇṭhāna Sutta: The Removal of Distracting Thoughts” and Shaila Catherine’s excellent book, “Beyond Distraction: Five Practical Ways to Focus the Mind.” 

Thursday Night Talk Dana

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Donation Total: $1

“Generosity is the virtue that leads to peace.” – The Historical Buddha
Please use this form to donate by credit card or your PayPal account. Enter the amount you’d like to give and 50% of your donation will be shared with Jeff Hardin.

Join online meeting: https://zoom.us/join or join by phone at 1-669-900-6833
( Meeting ID: 868 1218 0921 and Passcode: 795117 )
For tips and instructions to join the meeting, click here to check this news blog.

Our website will soon be migrating to a new design and while we don't expect the donation form shown above to have problems, please click here if you need an alternate method for submitting your donation.

Hybrid (in-person and online)

3111 Wissemann Drive (or *ZOOM)
Sacramento, CA 95826 United States
+ Google Map
To download this talk, right-click and select ‘save audio as’ or select the 3-dot menu to the right of the speaker icon.

What does the dharma tell us about the nature of self? Who are we as spiritual seekers in this precious life?

To download this talk, right-click and select ‘save audio as’ or select the 3-dot menu to the right of the speaker icon.

One of the main characteristics of delusion is being totally identified as a Special Me. Starting with our name, our history, and our self-image, all of these enable us to solidify the sense that we are living a separate, subtly significant and special life. Interestingly, our feeling of specialness is not just from having positive qualities; our suffering too can also make us feel unique. “I am the most victimized”, “I never lived up to my potential” “No one understands me” and so many other self-narratives create a Special Me. Not needing to be special, not needing to be any particular way, is what it means to be free—free to experience our most authentic self. Tonight, we will discuss the traditional methods for breaking thru this delusion, as well as some practical everyday exercises.

Important Announcement

Jan 5th sitting meditation and dharma talk switched to ZOOM-Only

Due to the hazardous weather conditions anticipated over the next 24 hours, the Thursday, January 5th, 2023 regularly scheduled evening sitting meditation and dharma talk presentation by Diane Wilde will be held only on-line beginning at 7 pm. The SIM Board of Directors has cancelled the in-person part of the meeting.

We look forwarded to having you join us at the Zoom meeting and wish you all may be safe and healthy.

Did you contribute to this year’s Adopt-a-Family fundraiser? Vicki has an update to share with us!

SIM’s fifth fundraiser for St. John’s came to a close on December 2, 2022. Despite this year’s inflation and down turning market SIM’s caring community shined brightly in generosity, raising a five year high of $1,572. That didn’t even include dana that was received after the online donation window closed. Funds for St. John totaled close to $2,000 all together. Due to our munificent budget, we were able to sponsor eight people instead of four or five. In addition we were able to supply St. John’s 26 additional $25 Target gift cards to help other families have a bountiful Christmas. Deepest gratitude to you all.

Mary Howard and I did the shopping in early December. This is the second year Mary has joined for the shopping, making it even more fun and joyful. This year we “adopted” two single women, a mom and her teen age girl, and a mom with three children, ranging in age from 8 years to one year old. Rather than list everything, the “shopping elves” procured a balance of fun, educational, and practical gifts. We were able to provide some needed items that are more expensive such as high quality work boots and a convertible car seat for a family that is very close to graduating from the program at St. John’s.

We brought the gifts to St. John’s on December 9th. This has consistently been a wonderful experience as Karen Edwards, head of the fundraising program is a very kind and gracious person who makes one feel how appreciated and valued this support is.

That being said, please receive this deep bow of gratitude to our generous Sangha and teachers, and a special thanks to Sabitre Rodriguez, Sara Denzler, and Mary Howard. Wishing all of you a peaceful, happy, and love filled holidays.

Much Metta,