01/05/2023 “Who Am I If I Am Not Special?” with Diane Wilde

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One of the main characteristics of delusion is being totally identified as a Special Me. Starting with our name, our history, and our self-image, all of these enable us to solidify the sense that we are living a separate, subtly significant and special life. Interestingly, our feeling of specialness is not just from having positive qualities; our suffering too can also make us feel unique. “I am the most victimized”, “I never lived up to my potential” “No one understands me” and so many other self-narratives create a Special Me. Not needing to be special, not needing to be any particular way, is what it means to be free—free to experience our most authentic self. Tonight, we will discuss the traditional methods for breaking thru this delusion, as well as some practical everyday exercises.