Update on gifts for St. Johns

Did you contribute to this year’s Adopt-a-Family fundraiser? Vicki has an update to share with us!

SIM’s fifth fundraiser for St. John’s came to a close on December 2, 2022. Despite this year’s inflation and down turning market SIM’s caring community shined brightly in generosity, raising a five year high of $1,572. That didn’t even include dana that was received after the online donation window closed. Funds for St. John totaled close to $2,000 all together. Due to our munificent budget, we were able to sponsor eight people instead of four or five. In addition we were able to supply St. John’s 26 additional $25 Target gift cards to help other families have a bountiful Christmas. Deepest gratitude to you all.

Mary Howard and I did the shopping in early December. This is the second year Mary has joined for the shopping, making it even more fun and joyful. This year we “adopted” two single women, a mom and her teen age girl, and a mom with three children, ranging in age from 8 years to one year old. Rather than list everything, the “shopping elves” procured a balance of fun, educational, and practical gifts. We were able to provide some needed items that are more expensive such as high quality work boots and a convertible car seat for a family that is very close to graduating from the program at St. John’s.

We brought the gifts to St. John’s on December 9th. This has consistently been a wonderful experience as Karen Edwards, head of the fundraising program is a very kind and gracious person who makes one feel how appreciated and valued this support is.

That being said, please receive this deep bow of gratitude to our generous Sangha and teachers, and a special thanks to Sabitre Rodriguez, Sara Denzler, and Mary Howard. Wishing all of you a peaceful, happy, and love filled holidays.

Much Metta,