The monthly Climate Sangha meetings have changed location from the Friends Meeting House to the Sacramento Dharma Center at 3111 Wissemann Dr., Sacramento, CA.  The next meeting is Tuesday, September 27 from 7 to 9 PM.

Faith and Challenges/Sustaining Practice

In the Insight Meditation tradition as practiced at SIM, faith is an experiential quality of engagement rather than doctrinaire adherence to a top-down belief system. And obstacles to practice, however unwelcome they may feel, are the field of practice through which we learn about our own minds and the path away from “suffering” (the experience of “unsatisfactoriness”). Join Laura Rosenthal, a long-time SIM participant, for a group discussion about how we sustain our engagement with practice in the face of the obstacles, many of them self-generated, that we encounter. Laura will set the stage with a very brief overview of faith and “the hindrances” as well as basic principles of “dharma dialog,” and will then facilitate a group discussion. We will sit in a circle to support active listening and sharing.
Laura is a graduate of Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Dedicated Practitioners’ Program. She is currently participating in Spirit Rock’s Advanced Practitioners’ Program and Heather Sundberg’s Committed Students’ Program.


It’s not unusual to think of “service” as something special we do: working at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, dog shelter, the pediatric unit in a hospital, a clothing donation center. But “service”, in a Buddhist sense, is a much bigger idea that encompasses even small acts of supporting or helping a relative, a friend or our spiritual community, such as SIM.

This evening will explore the nature of service, its values and its benefits. Dennis has been leading a year-long course entitled “How Can I Help” which includes each participant doing service in the community each month. A number of the insights and experiences from the course will be included in the discussion.

Dennis will also discuss a new effort by SIM to establish a sound, new SIM volunteer infra-structure in anticipation of moving to the Sacramento Dharma Center building sometime in October.

If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here

The Monday meetings will be changed from the Friends Meeting House to the Sacramento Dharma Center at 3111 Wissemann Dr., Sacramento, CA. Enter through the front doors and it’s the 5th room to the right. Signs will be posted.

For additional information please call, text, or email Brian McKinsey at (916) 225-7251.

SIM 2016 Residential Retreat with Dennis Warren, Diane Wilde, and Rich Howard.2016 SIM Retreat Summary

** If you would like to download any of the following dharma talks, please right click on the talk’s link “talk x of y” and select “save as”.

“An integrated path of practice (1)” – talk 1 of 7 with Dennis Warren

“Metta” – talk 2 of 7 with Diane Wilde

“Compassion” – talk 3 of 7 with Rich Howard

“An integrated path of practice (2) Key elements” – talk 4 of 7 with Dennis Warren

“Sympathetic joy” – talk 5 of 7 with Diane Wilde

“Equanimity” – talk 6 of 7 with Rich Howard

“An integrated path of practice (3) Spiritual and Daily Life” – talk 7 of 7 with Dennis Warren


Thursday, September 8, 7-9 pm. Sitting and Dharma Talk with Tony Bernhard, Visiting Teacher. Directions to the Middle Path: the Buddha’s roadmap to the end of suffering…

This talk references a handout: click here

If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here

The Climate Sangha is meeting Tuesday, September 27, at 7 pm., at the Sacramento Dharma Center. The Climate Sangha provides a place for members concerned about the future that climate change will bring us

  • to discuss those issues openly
  • to use Buddhist practice to face the changes
  • and to provide mutual support

Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm at the Sacramento Dharma Center, 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826 .

For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at


Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm at the Sacramento Dharma Center, 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826 (off Folsom Blvd. between Howe and Watt Avenues).

We explore how the Buddha’s teachings — the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path – can heal the pain and suffering that addiction and compulsive behaviors have caused in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. The meeting includes a period of meditation, readings that investigate the benefits of applying Buddhist teachings to our recovery, and open sharing.

“Newcomers” and “old timers” alike are welcome to attend. Advance registration is not required nor are there any dues or fees. We “pass the hat” to cover rent and literature expenses.

For additional information please call, text, or email Brian McKinsey at (916) 225-7251,

Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm at the Sacramento Dharma Center, 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826 (off Folsom Blvd. between Howe and Watt Avenues).

We explore how the Buddha’s teachings — the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path – can heal the pain and suffering that addiction and compulsive behaviors have caused in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. The meeting includes a period of meditation, readings that investigate the benefits of applying Buddhist teachings to our recovery, and open sharing.

“Newcomers” and “old timers” alike are welcome to attend. Advance registration is not required nor are there any dues or fees. We “pass the hat” to cover rent and literature expenses.
For additional information please call, text, or email Brian McKinsey at (916) 225-7251,