Three Assignments Community Discussion

HOME PRACTICE. At the SIM inaugural sitting and discussion on November 3 at the Sacramento Dharma Center, Community Mentor Diane Wilde gave three assignments for discussion on November 10 at our quarterly Community Discussion evening. We will discuss and investigate aspects of Right Speech and Skillful Listening. Have fun with one or all of these investigations! Take a chance and learn a bit more about freedom and yourself.

  • Offer a kind observation.   When you notice something admirable about another person — friend, acquaintance or a stranger — say it to them. Perhaps you have admired something about a friend or appreciated the kindness of a stranger, but never took the time or had the nerve to state it out loud. Internally notice if you are embarrassed, afraid, spacious, ebullient, or ?  What is the external response from the other person?  How would you describe the entire experience?
  • Listen!    Take time to listen carefully to a friend, acquaintance or a stranger.  Internally, do you wish you were somewhere else?  Are you daydreaming?  Was this difficult to do or was it enjoyable?  Keep coming back to listening and perhaps even asking a question to keep yourself present.  Externally, notice the reaction of the other person.
  • Notice!   Your Own Experience with Skillful Speech and Skillful Listening.  When has your speech and/or listening to others been skillful?  When has it not been skillful?  What did you learn?