11/17/2016 “Change And Karma” with Dennis Warren


What is the relationship between the constant element of change in our lives and what is called “Karma” in Buddhist practice? These two realities can act as powerful resources for understanding Buddhist psychology; informing our meditation practice; and helping us live more satisfying and meaningful lives. How does the Buddhist understanding of these issues differ from that of other spiritual traditions?

This evening with SIM’s Founding Teacher, Dennis Warren, will explore these topics from both a short and long term perspective. As background for this evening, you may find it helpful to review Dennis’  presentation from Oct 20, 2016 on the nature of change.

If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here

1 reply
  1. Cecile DeCuir
    Cecile DeCuir says:


    I’m grateful for being at the Change and Karma talk in person last night and being able to re-listen to it on-line. I look forward to being with this community again on Thursday nights and for retreats.

    Thank you,


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