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SIM meets online and in-person at the Sacramento Dharma Center
What is Dana?
Dana is a Buddhist word that means generosity or heart. Nearly all Sacramento Insight Meditation activities are offered on a dana (donations) basis. This means our programs are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. Practice dana, please support our Sangha. DONATE NOW
Morning Meditation with Michael Paddy
Weekly MeditationMorning Meditation with Michael Paddy
All are welcome to this open sitting for anyone interested in starting their morning out by sitting with others. The session involves a 40-45 minute sitting, a limited about of meditation guidance, and a few comments at the end of the sitting to set a theme for moving into the world and your daily activities.
09/20/2018 “Starting Over” with Rich Howard
Audio DharmaIf you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.
Senior Teacher Kamala Masters reminds us, “Starting over is the practice.” Reflecting on this simple instruction has many implications: self-compassion, patience, and an encouragement to gentle, persevering effort. We will explore the practice itself in a guided meditation to start the evening, then discuss the many lessons to be learned from this seemingly simple instruction. Bring your beginner’s mind!
09/13/2018 “Emptiness” with Tony Bernhard
Audio DharmaIf you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.
SIM 2018 Residential Retreat
Audio DharmaFrom Effort to Ease
2018 Residential Retreat with John Travis.
If you would like to download any of the following dharma talks, please right click on the filename link and select “save as”.
Audio file 1 of 7: 20180908-travis.mp3
Audio file 2 of 7: 20180909-travis.mp3
Audio file 3 of 7: 20180910-travis.mp3
Audio file 4 of 7: 20180911-travis.mp3
Audio file 5 of 7: 20180912-travis.mp3
Audio file 6 of 7: 20180913am-travis.mp3 (Meditation with Sounds)
Audio file 7 of 7: 20180913pm-travis.mp3
Our Beloved Susan has Flown
NewsSusan Orr, beloved lifelong organizer for peace and justice, defender of Mother Earth, accomplished artist, healer, Buddhist teacher, and spiritual leader passed away at the age of 76 in Sacramento, CA on September 9, 2018.
More information on this has been posted to the Sacramento Dharma Center website (click-here).
Morning Meditation with Tom Hopkins
Weekly MeditationAll are welcome to this open sitting for anyone interested in starting their morning out by sitting with others. The session involves a 40-45 minute sitting, a limited about of meditation guidance, and a few comments at the end of the sitting to set a theme for moving into the world and your daily activities.
Morning Meditation with Tom Hopkins
Weekly MeditationAll are welcome to this open sitting for anyone interested in starting their morning out by sitting with others. The session involves a 40-45 minute sitting, a limited about of meditation guidance, and a few comments at the end of the sitting to set a theme for moving into the world and your daily activities.
Morning Meditation with Tom Hopkins
Weekly MeditationAll are welcome to this open sitting for anyone interested in starting their morning out by sitting with others. The session involves a 40-45 minute sitting, a limited about of meditation guidance, and a few comments at the end of the sitting to set a theme for moving into the world and your daily activities.
Friday Morning Meditation with Tom Hopkins
Weekly MeditationStarting September 7, we are adding a new weekly sit on Friday mornings. A big thank you to Tom Hopkins for hosting the sit.
All are welcome to this open sitting for anyone interested in starting their morning out by sitting with others. The session involves a 40-45 minute sitting, a limited about of meditation guidance, and a few comments at the end of the sitting to set a theme for moving into the world and your daily activities.
Climate Sangha – special discussion
Climate Sangha, SDCThis is a special meeting with Ayya Santacitta and Rev. Diane Wilde. We’ll discuss how we energize the Climate Change sangha as well refocus our efforts as concerned citizens regarding the environment. We would love your particular concerns and input as we move forward.
Meeting the 4th Tuesday of each month, the Sacramento Climate Sangha provides dharmic support and a refuge for exploration of our hopes and fears about climate change.