07/19/2018 “Investigation in Insight Practice – Part III” with Dennis Warren

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The third in a talk series examining the purpose and nature of “Investigation” leading to Liberating Insight in meditation practice. If you have the time, you may want to visit the two prior talks on June 21 and May 24.
In this talk we explore two handout charts as the jumping off point for the presentation and discussion. The first handout details the actual development stages in the process of Investigation. The second handout depicts the way that Investigation is a source of resilience in practice and is internally renewing – it sustains and supports itself and every other part of practice.
The evening will include, among other things, a discussion of the distinguishing characteristics of both cognitive and intuitive Insight, a look at the unique quality of effort involved in the investigative process, and an examination of a number of obstacles to investigation producing Insight. See the third handout.