01/06/2022 “Are You Listening?” with Diane Wilde

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Did you know that listening is a learned skill?  Unlike speech which comes naturally to us, REALLY listening isn’t an innate trait. Why is that? Listening requires taming the ego-driven addiction to being center stage, and trying to take over another’s “air time”. To speak is to articulate words that convey meaning, and to listen is to understand the true intent behind words being spoken. When the Buddha spoke about Right Speech, he was including both sides of the communication equation; skillful means of intentional speech as well as intentional listening.  Skillful listening means listening mindfully to others, especially when we habitually discount what “they” have to say. It also means listening deeply to our own innate wisdom, which we too frequently ignore because it may not align with our long-held beliefs about ourselves. Learning how to deeply listen is a skill that changes attitudes and beliefs as well as enhancing empathy and community.  Deep listening is a great skill to learn for the new year.