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SIM meets online and in-person at the Sacramento Dharma Center
What is Dana?
Dana is a Buddhist word that means generosity or heart. Nearly all Sacramento Insight Meditation activities are offered on a dana (donations) basis. This means our programs are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. Practice dana, please support our Sangha. DONATE NOW
Introduction to Meditation with SIM Community Mentor, Rich Howard
Meditation CourseThis 45-minute course is suitable for beginners or anyone who would like a refresher. It is offered on the fourth Thursday of every month before the regular sitting and dharma talk. There is no fee.
*Sit & Dharma Talk with Long-time SIM Community Member, Laura Rosenthal
Weekly MeditationWise Effort
Wise Effort is one of the “folds” of the Noble Eightfold Path, the integrated Buddhist path of practice that points in the direction of awakening. What is Wise Effort anyway? Is it actually four efforts? Two? One? Why does the discussion of Wise Effort sometimes sound like a tongue twister? Join Laura Rosenthal for a dharma talk and group conversation about how wise (wholesome) effort can be a useful, practical and accessible touchstone in both meditation and daily life.
Laura has been a regular participant in SIM since 2004. She is a graduate of Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Dedicated Practitioners Program (DPP4) and is currently enrolled in Spirit Rock’s Advanced Practitioners Program as well as Heather Sundberg’s Committed Students Program.
*Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Founding Teacher, Dennis Warren
Weekly MeditationRecommendations for Practice in 2017 (Part 2)
The teachings of the historical Buddha are vast in number and seemingly complex in nature. But he also urged us not to rely on initial surface impressions; instead, to look underneath and behind our impressions to what is really present. When we apply these principles to the Buddha’s teachings, we discover an integrated system of methods and psychology that flow from a number of foundational elements.
This evening with SIM’s Founding Teacher Dennis Warren will build upon and expand the discussion we began on Thursday, January 5. That evening looked at a number of elements of practice to focus on in beginning 2017. It may be helpful to review Dennis’ (Part 1) talk on that evening.
The evening will include a number of special practice recommendations; examine why the inter-related nature of the Buddha’s teachings is so helpful in examining our own individual practices; and explore a number of potential risks or hazards on the path of practice.
*Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Founding Teacher, Dennis Warren
The first Thursday evening session of the year will focus on the elements of practice and recommendations to consider in developing and refining your meditation and daily life practices in 2017. This will be an interesting, practical discussion, including resources to help you evaluate and further cultivate your practice knowledge, skill, and experience.
Come prepared with your questions about practice, and your practice, to supplement the presentation and discussion by SIM’s founding teacher, Dennis Warren.
Sacramento Insight Meditation events are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. With our practice of dana, we support our Sangha.
SDC dedication and celebration for the sustaining sanghas
NewsA celebration for the three sustaining sanghas will take place (Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group, Sacramento Insight Meditation, and Valley Streams Zen Sangha). Each sangha is invited to offer a dedication or blessing; a joint sitting may be planned; and conversation and refreshments will welcome everyone.
10/06/2016 “Depends on What?” with Rich Howard
Audio DharmaDepends on What?: An Exploration of Causes and Conditions
You may have heard about the importance of “causes and conditions” but what does that mean to our practice in formal meditation and daily life? Can we learn to recognize how causes and conditions work in our lives experientially without making it into an intellectual analysis? What would it be like to know a peace that does not depend on outside circumstances?
Rich Howard will lead this evening exploring the practical application of the Buddhist understanding of conditionality. As a start, notice how the experience of finding a parking place near the Friends’ Meeting House affects your mood!
If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here
Celebration of Life for Roseanne de Vlaming
For the SIM Community, All are invited to the Celebration of Life for Roseanne de Vlaming. Roseanne passed away on August 10, 2016. SIM friends are invited to a celebration of life memorial service scheduled for Tuesday, October 4, 2016 beginning at 2 PM. The service will be held at 4281 Winding Woods Way, Fair Oaks (a private residence). Parking may be a challenge, so if you plan to attend the service allow sufficient time for that possibility. For more information contact Victor at 916-718-8290.
Board Meeting Minutes Posted
NewsThe SIM Board Meeting Minutes from Aug 22, 2016, is now available.
Climate Sangha
Climate SanghaThe Climate Sangha will devote the evening to working with our fears and other feelings resulting from the election and to discuss avenues for Right Action and Right View.
Meeting the 4th Tuesday of each month, the Sacramento Climate Sangha provides a refuge for exploration of our hopes and fears about climate change and how our dharma practice can address them.
For more information, email SBMG’s Susan Orr or SIM’s Rich Howard. Want to join our mailing list? Email Margaret Buss.
Climate Sangha
Meeting the 4th Tuesday of each month, the Sacramento Climate Sangha provides a refuge for exploration of our hopes and fears about climate change and how our dharma practice can address them.
For more information, email SBMG’s Susan Orr or SIM’s Rich Howard. Want to join our mailing list? Email Margaret Buss.