Investigation Leading to Liberating Insight – A Practical Model For Evaluating Your Practice

Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Founding Teacher Dennis Warren

How can aversion based (unpleasant, uncomfortable, painful) experiences be investigated in a way that leads to liberating insight? This is one of the fundamental skills of a good practice.
This evening will be devoted to examining a practical, experiential and hands-on model of this process against which you can evaluate your own practice. A helpful handout of the model will be used as the outline for the evening.

Sacramento Insight Meditation events are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. With our practice of dana, we support our Sangha.

Due to the Thanksgiving holiday there are no activities scheduled today.

Talking on the Toll-free Line
Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Community Member Laura Rosenthal

Wise speech – refraining from false speech, malicious or divisive speech, harsh speech and idle speech – is one of the “folds” of the eightfold path toward awakening. For may of us, talking on the phone with consumer service folks – an internet provider or bank, a government agency, or a host of others – can challenge our intention to speak kindly and wisely. What is this all about? And how can we use these frequent, ordinary interactions to hone our awareness and our ethical practice? Join Laura Rosenthal for a talk and group conversation on the topic “Talking on the Toll-free Line“.

Sacramento Insight Meditation events are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. With our practice of dana, we support our Sangha.


Every year, Sacramento Insight Meditation (SIM) hosts a community potluck during the holidays. This event is open to the general dharma community.

Savory or Sweet, bring a dish to share (6-8 Servings). In SIM’s tradition please bring your own plate, cup, utensils and as we attempt to go paperless, cloth napkins. Again this year we will need a few people to bring table cloth(s) and holiday decor! We will be setting up our Holiday Feast starting from 6:30 PM, and planning to eat at 7:00 PM.

A Unique Opportunity to Visit and Share

All are invited to come celebrate the holidays with our sangha, as we eat together and enjoy each other’s company. Come and visit with your SIM friends, acquaintances and dharma communities. This evening is a fun and joyful way for us to spend time getting to know one another better. It’s a wonderful opportunity to make new friends.

This evening will be what we make of it.

There will not be a Dharma talk. Instead, as we’ve done in years past, people are invited to share of themselves. We all have something to give – our personal dana – a poem, a reading, a story, a song, a dance, a picture – whatever comes from the heart, in the spirit of the holidays. It does not have to be original. For sharing your personal dana, be mindful of the time, 4-6 minutes, so that everyone who wants to can have the opportunity to participate. To sign up for sharing your personal dana, or to learn more about it, contact Barbara Colton by email or phone (916) 996-1898.

Tell us if you’re Going or Not Going

For the potluck, your RSVP is requested as it will help us estimate the number of tables and chairs we’ll be setting up. At the bottom of this webpage, enter the number of people planning to attend, select the button Confirm RSVP and then pick “Going” or “Not Going”.

Sacramento Insight Meditation events are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. With our practice of dana, we support our Sangha.

If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.

Can dharma practice heal psychological wounding? Or can psychotherapy help us grow in ways that may not possible with the dharma alone? This talk will look at dharma and psychotherapy as two separate but complementary practices in the service of liberation.

The Wednesday morning sits that SIM has been hosting at 7 AM at the SDC have been poorly attended, and are being discontinued.  The last Wednesday morning sit will be held on October 31.  SIM will now be supporting Tom Hopkins in hosting a sit at the SDC on Friday mornings at 8 AM.  Everyone is warmly invited to attend this new Friday event.  Many thanks to Tom for his work in support of SIM and our community!

There will be no Family Sangha meeting in December 2018.

The next meeting will be Sunday, January 13.

Family Sangha typically meets monthly on the second Sunday. If you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or young friends with whom you’d love to share the path of kindness and mindfulness – please bring them and stay for the morning. This program includes a child-friendly introduction to mindfulness, art projects, snacks, and outdoor exploration and fun. The curriculum is inspired by Awakening Joy with Kids, by James Baraz.

Family Sangha is sponsored by the Sacramento Dharma Center.

Family Sangha meets monthly on the second Sunday. If you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, or young friends with whom you’d love to share the path of kindness and mindfulness – please bring them and stay for the morning. This program includes a child-friendly introduction to mindfulness, art projects, snacks, and outdoor exploration and fun. The curriculum is inspired by Awakening Joy with Kids, by James Baraz.

Family Sangha is sponsored by the Sacramento Dharma Center.

All are welcome to this open sitting for anyone interested in starting their morning out by sitting with others. The session is a 60 minute sitting hosted by a SIM Community Member. There’s a limited amount of meditation guidance, and a few comments at the end of the sitting to set a theme for moving into the world and your daily activities. daily activities.