12/19/2019 “Craving and Clinging” with Dennis Warren

Craving and Clinging (Attachment) – Stepping Stones on The Path of Both Suffering and Awakening

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The historical Buddha taught that the primary cause of suffering is “Craving.” But a careful examination of his nuanced and interconnected teachings reveals that this basic, and apparently simple, teaching is really about a chain of reactions that lead to suffering. Why did the Buddha designate craving as the second Noble Truth, the origin of suffering? This seems like a surprising simple question, but isn’t?
This evening will involve an examination of the historical parameters defining “craving” and its role in the chain-reaction of suffering. We’ll explore the differences between craving and “clinging”? Should these two experiences be understood as separate and independent experiences? Are they related experiences on a continuum of experience that leads to suffering? Or does craving morph into clinging?
Why being able to feel the difference between craving and clinging – the moment of discernment that sets the conditions for everything that follows and what may be possible – is the key to both managing and being liberated from suffering.
Dennis discusses a new 2020 SIM course entitled “Living and Practicing on the Other Side of Suffering” that is directly related to these questions and their answers.