Tag Archive for: Rich Howard

Who Am I? What Do I Want? What Do I Believe?:
Finding and Losing Your Self

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The Buddhist concept of “not self” can be very confusing if we let it linger as a subject of philosophical speculation or distant conceptual notion. On the other hand, the Buddha taught the illusion of self (anatta in Pali) as one of the three universal characteristics of experience, along with impermanence and unsatisfactoriness; living an embodied insight into how this process works is one avenue to awakening.
Two of the basic processes we have taught often at SIM offer ways of seeing into how we construct and maintain the sense of self: the five aggregates of clinging and dependent origination. In this presentation, Rich will share some other approaches from classes he attended with Steve Armstrong and Kamala Masters at the Vipassana Metta Foundation and Jay Garfield at the Barre Center for Buddhist Studies. We will place particular emphasis on the ethical and liberating aspects of these teachings.

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As the days wane and the nights get longer, Rich will bring reflections on the “greatest blessings” from the Maha-Mangala Sutta (Sutta Nipata 2.4 translated by Narada Thera). This beloved sutta reminds us that, even in the midst of loss and grief, our ordinary lives contain so many sources of happiness. In balancing our awareness of suffering with the uplifting conditions in life, we come closer to seeing things as they are. This awareness provides a balance to our daily life practice and a motivation for skillful action in the world.

Rich last offered a reflection on this sutta four years ago, as we moved into the Sacramento Dharma Center. Now that we are not able to be there in person, let’s bring these blessings to mind again.

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In the devastating fires this summer, we have seen folks needing to evacuate where they live on short notice. Public safety officials recommend having a “Go Bag” packed and ready with batteries, a crank radio, first aid supplies, extra socks, and other essentials. Maybe we should take this idea and think about what to bring with us from our “toolkit” of meditation practices. What is essential? What would you want to have with you to protect your mind in any circumstance? Be prepared to share the practices and essential teachings that you have found most useful.

* Gil Fronsdal, Insight Meditation Center (Redwood City)
* For Pre made Go Bags – google Redfora or Earthquake bags

ZOOM chat shared by Rich Howard

Meditation Practice: Turning Toward or Turning Away?

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In a 2017 article, Naropa University Professors Carla Sherrell and Judith Simmer-Brown warned about using meditation practice to avoid pain: “We take up meditation as a way to avoid or dull the pain, and only feel it “works” if we feel better. This approach is an expression of a prevailing culture that quickly takes a pharmaceutical to alleviate pain or pours a drink to numb anxiety. This kind of response to pain favors meditation practices that feature detachment, peace, bliss, and absolutist thinking as defense mechanisms against anxiety, fear, and anguish.” Yet, our world right now is full of anxiety, fear, and anguish. How do we avoid the temptation to turn away from the painful aspects of our personal and societal lives? How do we turn toward our experience and the harsh realities playing out in our community, nation, and world? How do we find insight and engagement in the midst of chaos and injustice? We will explore these difficult but essential questions on this evening of practice and inquiry. Bring an open mind and a willingness to look at the motivation for practice.

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Mindful awareness is at the core of our meditation practice. When cultivated properly, awareness is joined and supported by other mental factors that arise naturally: clear seeing, clear comprehension, tranquility, acceptance, joy, and eventually non-attachment, compassion, equanimity, and wisdom. We will explore the role of awareness in our practice and look more deeply at this circle of “friends” that accompany awareness.
This evening will stand alone and will also serve as an introduction to the daylong on Saturday, August 29.

This day of practice will be in the style of Sayadaw U Tejaniya, a contemporary Burmese monk, with an open schedule conducive to home practice. It should work well on Zoom.

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Insight is central to our practice of mindful awareness at SIM, as it is central to our name. We may frame it as a dramatic experience, “a flash of lightning in a summer cloud” as it says in the Diamond Sutra. We may hold an expectation that it is only available in settings far from our daily lives, on pilgrimage to a holy land or in extended retreat at a meditation center. What if it is available in the most ordinary of circumstances? What if we are setting the conditions for insight in the most mundane activities and familiar places of our lives? What if we let our expectations drop away and came into just this moment? In this evening’s talk and discussion, we will explore the terrain of the ordinary.

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The word “freedom” means different things to different people, depending on what limits are imposed on them. Currently, many people are calling for “freedom” from the public health guidelines that ask us to keep physical distance from others and not gather in large groups. The idea of “freedom” in the Buddhist psychology has a very different context. For many, the aspiration for practicing meditative awareness is freedom from greed hatred and delusion, freedom from “suffering.” This freedom has the potential to lead to cessation, “the unshakeable liberation of mind.” Let’s explore some meanings of freedom, the ways recommended by the Buddha for approaching and finding freedom, and how we might apply these teachings to our current cirumstances.

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TBD is an acronym that stands for “To Be Determined.” So many aspects of our lives right now are “to be determined”: When will schools re-open? When will a vaccine for COVID-19 be developed? When will I be able to visit [insert your favorite person’s name here]? When will I be able to go to a retreat center? The answers to all these questions and so many more will flow from a complex set of causes and conditions over which we have no control. So, how does that feel? How can we use the practice of meditative awareness to develop a sense of ease with changing and uncertain conditions? How can we apply both wisdom and compassion to work with this question?

We will also explore an alternate interpretation of “To Be Determined.” One of the ten paramis is adhitthana, or determination, in the sense of resoluteness or resolve. It may be helpful as the stay-at-home orders continue to cultivate an attitude of determination lightened by patience and kindness. We will look at how these qualities of mind might be applied to the way things are right now.

The Paradox of Physical Distancing…Finding Connection

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Join co-hosts Rev. Diane Wilde and Rich Howard on Zoom for a community evening looking at how we can connect in this extraordinary time of physical distancing and potential isolation. After we sit together, Diane and Rich will give short “dharmettes” to introduce the theme. The rest of the evening will be a chance for community members to share their experience and wisdom on how we are using the practice of meditative awareness in this time and what we are learning about our attachments in the process.

To download this talk, right-click and select ‘save audio as’ or select the 3-dot menu to the right of the speaker icon.

In these challenging times, we need to cultivate both wisdom and the qualities of the heart. In this evening of practice and discussion, we will practice gratitude and the four brahmaviharas: metta (boundless friendliness, loving kindness), karuna (compassion), mudita (sympathetic joy), upekkha (equanimity). Between each of these short meditations, we will discuss what came up and how it felt. Join us for an evening of opening the heart and creating community.