Topic: Better than, worse than, the same as…

The habit of fault-finding and comparison is part of a larger pattern of insecurity in which we always feel the need to judge ourselves in regards to other people. It is as though we need to convince ourselves that we are okay, which we can only do indirectly, in comparison to people who we feel are superior, are less okay or just like us.
The point is not to dwell on our own faults—or our own virtues, for that matter. It is to see ourselves and others in a clear and unbiased way. It is to see, but not to dwell on the seeing.
The first step in this practice is awareness of what we are doing, actually seeing and experiencing the discontent of the comparing mind!
We will discuss the judging mind and the Buddha’s advise on how to abandon it.

Depends on What?:   An Exploration of Causes and Conditions

You may have heard about the importance of “causes and conditions” but what does that mean to our practice in formal meditation and daily life? Can we learn to recognize how causes and conditions work in our lives experientially without making it into an intellectual analysis? What would it be like to know a peace that does not depend on outside circumstances?

Rich Howard will lead this evening exploring the practical application of the Buddhist understanding of conditionality. As a start, notice how the experience of finding a parking place near the Friends’ Meeting House affects your mood!

Day-long Retreat with the Nuns of the Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery on Saturday, August 27, 2016, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Sacramento Friends Meeting House.  The retreat will be a potluck (no meat dishes, please). Offerings will be made to the Nuns. Volunteers are needed to help setup the room, make offerings, clean-up, etc. Contact for information or to sign up as a volunteer for this special event. To view photo, click here.

Saturday, September 24, 8:30-4:30 pm. Daylong Retreat with Dennis Warren, SIM Founding Instructor.


The Brahma Viharas – loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy & equanimity – are what we would call the “heart” qualities in Buddhist practice. We frequently understand these as powerful states of mind that have healing qualities and can act as antidotes to negative mind states. What is not so often clearly understood is their foundational role in an integrated path of practice.

This one day retreat will explore the nature of these four significant heart practices and how they are essential to a mature and integrated spiritual practice.

Please bring a lunch and plan on staying on-site all day. A microwave and refrigerator are available.

This 45-minute course is suitable for beginners or anyone who would like a refresher. It is offered on the fourth Thursday of every month before the regular sitting and dharma talk. There is no fee.

Thursday, September 22, 7-9:15. Sitting and Dharma Talk/Discussion with Dennis Warren, SIM Founding Instructor.


It’s not unusual to think of “service” as something special we do: working at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, dog shelter, the pediatric unit in a hospital, a clothing donation center. But “service”, in a Buddhist sense, is a much bigger idea that encompasses even small acts of supporting or helping a relative, a friend or our spiritual community, such as SIM.

This evening will explore the nature of service, its values and its benefits. Dennis has been leading a year-long course entitled “How Can I Help” which includes each participant doing service in the community each month. A number of the insights and experiences from the course will be included in the discussion.

Dennis will also discuss a new effort by SIM to establish a sound, new SIM volunteer infra-structure in anticipation of moving to the Sacramento Dharma Center building sometime in October.

This event will begin at 7:00 pm at Sacramento Friends Meetinghouse, 890 57th Street.

The talk topic is “The World IS a Benevolent Place”

OK we all know the world is not always a Benevolent Place.  But what if, as a practice, we occasionally oriented towards the amazing acts of kindness, generosity and discernment manifesting in our lives and on our planet right now?  Heather will share how this reality was re-opened to her in a new way over the summer, and explore this topic through teachings and stories.

Visiting teacher  Heather Sundberg’s will also be leading two day-long retreats scheduled for October 29th and November 19th.

Thursday, July 21, 7-9 pm. Sitting and Dharma Discussion with Diane Wilde, SIM Community Mentor, “The Four Types of People”

Have you ever wondered why there are people who, though born in poverty and deprivation, yet managed to evolve as wise and compassionate people, seemingly content with very little, while others, born with privilege and wealth, seem to require more and more “stuff” and often succumb to cruel behavior towards themselves and others. The Buddha had something to say about these “four types of people” in the Tamonata Sutta:

“There are these four types of people to be found existing in the world. Which four? One in darkness who is headed for darkness, one in darkness who is headed for light, one in light who is headed for darkness, and one in light who is headed for light.” The Buddha did not speak in riddles. His teaching is clear and well-explained. Whenever he said something that people might not understand properly, he explained it immediately. What is darkness? What is brightness? How does one keep on running from one to the other?

Thursday, September 8, 7-9 pm. Sitting and Dharma Talk with Tony Bernhard, Visiting Teacher.
Directions to the Middle Path: the Buddha’s roadmap to the end of suffering…

Thursday, September 1, 7-9 pm. Sitting and Dharma Talk with Diane Wilde, SIM Community Mentor.

How do we know that we are acting appropriately?

Buddhist practice is not a set of black and white rules.  Just as in life, situations are nuanced, fluid with different strategies for situations, which on the surface, might seem to be similar. Should we always tell the truth when asked?  Should we report what we perceive is a harmful act?  Do we always disengage from others who we feel are unskillful or don’t share our opinions?  Examples abound.  Bring your own thoughts and experiences on this topic Thursday night as we look at a variety of life situations with wisdom AND compassion. We are all in this realm of samsara, attempting to cause as little harm to ourselves and others as possible.  There is a reason why Sangha is the third refuge.