SIM Residential Retreat with John Travis – Friday, September 7 through Friday, 12:00 Noon, September 14, 2018
John Travis, another of SIM’s Senior Teachers who has taught many of our retreats in the past, has graciously volunteered to teach for us again this year. SIM is very grateful to John for his willingness to step in and lead this retreat in place of Steve Armstrong.
From Effort to Ease
This seven-night retreat in a forest retreat grounds just outside Foresthill, California in the Sierra Nevada foothills is suitable for both new and experienced meditators. People of all walks of life are warmly welcome.
John will emphasize the simple discipline of walking and sitting.
Resting with the good heart and unruffled mind.
Seeing that when there is great ease there is also effortless freedom.
Buddha emphasized over and over that it takes effort to follow the path of Dharma.
Yet the ultimate result is about the nature of ease.
We use effort to see into the nature of a fearful and restless mind/heart.
Then the fundamentals of insight:
– relaxing in the deepest recesses of our psyche
– diminishing the power of anxiousness and dis-ease.
Ultimately finding its own good heart and relaxed mind.
JOHN TRAVIS is the founding teacher of Mountain Stream Meditation Center and a member of the Senior Teachers Council of Spirit Rock Meditation Center. He studied in Asia for many years with many of the Buddhist masters who have influenced a generation of American meditation teachers—Thubten Yeshe, Kalu Rinpoche, Anagarika Munidra, S.N. Goenka, and Traungpula. He has also trained with and received teaching authorization from Jack Kornfield.
John was a critical force in the early growth of the Sacramento meditation community through his regular presence, guidance, and teachings during the 1990s. His sound and thoughtful advice has been instrumental to the development of Sacramento Insight Meditation. He now teaches regularly in various meditation centers in the United States and overseas. His teachings are characterized by his kindness, compassion, the depth of his meditation experience, and his ability to see deeply into the minds and hearts of those with whom he is working. More…
We’ve worked very hard to keep cost down. Registration fees are substantially lower than previous years. You can select from two different registration fee levels: Regular: $700.00 Donor Level: $775.00
Both levels cover the costs of accommodations, meals and administration. Donor level registration reduces overall retreat costs and supports scholarship assistance for participants facing special financial demands.
- Priority Registration including $400.00 deposit for those attending Steve’s January one day retreat opens January 25 and closes February 15.
- Open Registration including $400.00 deposit for those who did not attend Steve’s January one day retreat opens February 16. You may, however, register and pay the $400.00 deposit as soon as January 27. Such registrations will be accepted beginning February 16 based on date of registration order.
Registration fees do not cover any financial support for the retreat teacher. An opportunity will be provided at the end of the retreat for voluntary donations for the teacher. Upon registration, you will receive a confirming email and a participant package of documents approximately 1 month prior to the retreat.
To register to the retreat, or to include your name on the wait list, or to pay the retreat deposit, or to pay any remaining balance of registration fees, simply click the orange “Register” button.
- Up to June 5, full refund.
- After June 5 and up to July 15, $400 deposit will be retained by SIM.
- After July 15, no refunds will be given. A waiver of this policy will be considered in limited circumstances based on application demonstrating financial hardship.
If you’re attending the retreat and would like to offer a retreat donation by credit card, click here.
Contact the Registrar
For more information or for questions, contact the retreat registrar using the form below:
[contact-form to=”,” subject=”To REGISTRAR: Residential Retreat with J. Travis ({name})”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]
Beginning Meditation Class (5 of 6)
Meditation CourseThis class is part of a six week meditation course offered twice a year. You must pre-register to the course before attending this class. For course details, click here.
Beginning Meditation Class (4 of 6)
Meditation CourseThis class is part of a six week meditation course offered twice a year. You must pre-register to the course before attending this class. For course details, click here.
Beginning Meditation Class (3 of 6)
Meditation CourseThis class is part of a six week meditation course offered twice a year. You must pre-register to the course before attending this class. For course details, click here.
Beginning Meditation Class (2 of 6)
Meditation CourseThis class is part of a six week meditation course offered twice a year. You must pre-register to the course before attending this class. For course details, click here.
Beginning Meditation Class (6 week course)
Meditation CourseThis class is part of a six week meditation course offered twice a year. Classes meet Tuesday evenings, April 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, with a daylong retreat Saturday May 19, 2018 and details for this event are posted on the Course Overview page.
Registration Details
Walk-in registrations are not available since the course registrar provides follow-up information required prior to this first class meeting.
Before making the $35 registration payment, click here to review the terms of use for this website. Use the Tickets section shown below to pay the registration fee now. It’s not necessary to Log in before purchasing and you won’t need to print the ticket on paper. On the left side, specify the number of people you are registering to this course. On the right side, click the button “Buy now” and you’ll be automatically directed to a secure webpage where your registration payment can be made by credit card as a guest (no PayPal account required) or payment can be made by PayPal after you sign-in to your PayPal account if you have one.
If there are no tickets available, the course is full but you can still add your name to the waitlist (click here).
2018 SIM Residential Retreat
RetreatSIM Residential Retreat with John Travis – Friday, September 7 through Friday, 12:00 Noon, September 14, 2018
John Travis, another of SIM’s Senior Teachers who has taught many of our retreats in the past, has graciously volunteered to teach for us again this year. SIM is very grateful to John for his willingness to step in and lead this retreat in place of Steve Armstrong.
From Effort to Ease
This seven-night retreat in a forest retreat grounds just outside Foresthill, California in the Sierra Nevada foothills is suitable for both new and experienced meditators. People of all walks of life are warmly welcome.
John will emphasize the simple discipline of walking and sitting.
Resting with the good heart and unruffled mind.
Seeing that when there is great ease there is also effortless freedom.
Buddha emphasized over and over that it takes effort to follow the path of Dharma.
Yet the ultimate result is about the nature of ease.
We use effort to see into the nature of a fearful and restless mind/heart.
Then the fundamentals of insight:
– relaxing in the deepest recesses of our psyche
– diminishing the power of anxiousness and dis-ease.
Ultimately finding its own good heart and relaxed mind.
We’ve worked very hard to keep cost down. Registration fees are substantially lower than previous years. You can select from two different registration fee levels: Regular: $700.00 Donor Level: $775.00
Both levels cover the costs of accommodations, meals and administration. Donor level registration reduces overall retreat costs and supports scholarship assistance for participants facing special financial demands.
Registration fees do not cover any financial support for the retreat teacher. An opportunity will be provided at the end of the retreat for voluntary donations for the teacher. Upon registration, you will receive a confirming email and a participant package of documents approximately 1 month prior to the retreat.
To register to the retreat, or to include your name on the wait list, or to pay the retreat deposit, or to pay any remaining balance of registration fees, simply click the orange “Register” button.
If you’re attending the retreat and would like to offer a retreat donation by credit card, click here.
Contact the Registrar
For more information or for questions, contact the retreat registrar using the form below:
[contact-form to=”,” subject=”To REGISTRAR: Residential Retreat with J. Travis ({name})”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]
11/09/2017 “Two Darts: How is that working for you?” with Rich Howard
Audio DharmaTwo Darts: How is that working for you?
The last few months have presented us with a seemingly unending string of tragic events. Natural disasters, human cruelty, and events combining both have caused death and destruction around the world. As we take all this in, how is our practice serving us? The Sallatha Sutta, SN 36:6, provides some clues. Are we adding to the pain or using our mindfulness to “endure courageously, with patience and equanimity?” SIM Community Mentor Rich Howard will lead a discussion of how this well-known sutta may help us with our current challenges.
To prepare, read “In the Buddha’s Words” page 21 and section I,2(1) The Dart of Painful Feeling, pages 31-32.
Talk handout: Two Darts (.pdf)
If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.
Buddhist Recovery Group
Buddhist Recovery GroupOur Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening. For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at
Buddhist Recovery Group
Buddhist Recovery GroupOur Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening. For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at
Buddhist Recovery Group
Buddhist Recovery GroupOur Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening. For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at