Longtime SIM participant and Tibetan Buddhist practitioner Gus Koehler will be offering a Thangka seminar at SDC on October 12 starting at 8:30 and ending at 1:00. We will be looking at their origins, how they are made, how to use them, and what the subject matter is. Special attention will be given to SDC’s 3 thangkas, their mantra, and meaning. Attention will also be given to the Wheel of Life.

Gus will be presenting as a longtime Dzogchen practitioner not a thangka expert. This will involve sharing some personal experiences with Thangka.

There is no fee. Attendees may bring their own Thangka to see if we can identify them. Plenty of time will be available for questions and discussion.

This event is sponsored by the Sacramento Dharma Center.

Mark your calendars and plan to join the celebration. It’s Sacramento Dharma Center’s (SDC) Third Anniversary Party on Saturday, November 9, 2019 from 1 to 4 p.m.

  • Cooking Demonstration ~ 1:30
  • Music ~ 2:15 to 3:30
  • Some closing words ~ 3:30

SDC wants to remind you to come to the annual celebration of the official opening of our Dharma home which was November 6th 2016. SDC has a great party planned for you with a food demonstration from Jay Nair, and music by Kent Lacin. Isn’t it wonderful to have such talented sangha members who share their talents with us? SDC will also have the latest proposed landscaping designs on display for your perusal.

Recently Katie Thomas gifted the Dharma Center with a beautiful framed oil pastel painting by her mother, Susan Orr, for the purpose of fundraising. It is called The Anguish, The Grace. It is with a grateful heart that we thank Katie for carrying on her mother’s dream with such a generous act. SDC will be holding a silent auction during the afternoon for the painting, announcing the winner at 3:30.

The Anguish, The Grace (oil pastel by Susan Orr)

Here is a photo of the painting and you can see it currently hung in the South lobby of the Dharma Center for all of us to enjoy. If you are unable to attend the party and would like to bid on the painting you may send a proxy or contact the SDC at 916-386-9844 to make other arrangements.

Why do we do all this? That is an easy question to answer, because SDC is proud of what they’ve been able to do in the three years since opening, and mostly they are so grateful to all of you! Yes all of you have put in your time, energy, funds, hopes and dreams and created a beautiful home for the Dharma to thrive in. So bring your family and friends, make new friends, and have some fun!

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course scheduled to start August 21 , 2019 is cancelled due to low enrollment.

If you’d like to be notified the next time this course is offered, simply “Leave a Reply” to this NEWS post and SIM will later contact you with further details about the next scheduled course. If the “reply/comments” won’t work, try using the “RSVP” click here.

There’s a new “Touching the Earth Service” hosted by the Climate Sangha. Upcoming Dates: September 1, 2019 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; October 6, 2019 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.

Buddhism’s emphasis on our interconnectedness with all sentient beings and the earth herself, is the focus of the new “Touching the Earth” service offered by Sacramento Dharma Center’s Climate Sangha. This service is open to all! Sangha members, neighbors, friends and curious others. We look forward to meeting you! In a spirit of celebration of our earth, we will come together as a spiritual community, cultivating mindful living as well as compassion for all living beings.

Service schedule:  Thirty minute meditation; Twenty minute “Dharmette” talk; Music, Kirtin, chanting; “Get to know each other” time; Coffee, tea, and treats

Good news, it’s not too late! The SIM residential retreat which quickly filled now has space for one more person. Hurry and register before this last spot is filled.

Take a look at what’s included in this Summer’s News issue published by the Sacramento Dharma Center. Topics include:

  • The Dharma of an Altar; Thank You, Julia; Rummage Sale Success; Inside and Outside; Poetry Corner.

Visit or for direct access to the issue in PDF format, click here.

Registration opens July 21, for the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) eight week course with Matt Russell. You can RSVP to a free introduction session held August 7 from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. The eight session course meets Wednesdays, August 21 through October 9, 9:30 am to noon and there’s an all day retreat on Saturday, September 21, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. To pay the $375 registration fee or for more information about the course, click here.

The six-week Beginning Meditation Course offered this fall and taught by SIM’s Founding Teacher Dennis Warren is almost full as there are only three spots left. To register or more information, visit

The Sacramento Dharma Center Altar Committee (AC) is displaying a design concept for the permanent altar in the South Lobby. The committee wants your comments and participation!

The Altar Committee was formed in the fall of 2016 and includes representatives of the three sustaining sanghas. Its purpose is to gift the Dharma Center with a permanent altar and teacher side table. This gift symbolizes our three sanghas joining together to establish a permanent and historical home for our sanghas.

Please leave your written comments at the display site. You will also find AC representatives at their July 21st meeting (5pm) at the SDC. However, if you cannot attend in person to share your input, you can add your comments to this news post in the “Leave a Reply” section below.

Guest teacher Noliwe Alexander let us know she is ill and will not be able to join us this Thursday, June 20, 2019. We will re-schedule her for the Fall or Winter, and SIM Community Teacher Rich Howard will substitute for her this week. The topic of Rich’s talk is “Wisdom” and details are posted on the calendar.