“Generosity is the virtue that leads to peace.” – The Historical Buddha
Dana is a Buddhist word that means generosity of heart. Nearly all Sacramento Insight Meditation activities are offered on a dana basis. This means our programs are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and by the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service, and participation in events. Most special events involve a modest registration fee to cover facility rental as well as administrative, promotional, and supply costs. No fee is charged for the Thursday evening sitting group. This approach to offering meditation instruction and to maintaining a space for the exploration of meditation practice is based on the belief that acts of generosity and sharing with others cultivate the qualities of lovingkindness, compassion, gratitude, non-attachment, and a sense of interconnection and relationship. These qualities, in turn, serve as the foundation for liberating insight and wisdom to grow in our hearts and to shape our relationships with others and the world around us.
SIM maintains its status as a not-for-profit organization. Contributions may be tax deductible consistent with current state and federal guidelines. All contributions are tracked for tax purposes and those contributing two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) or more, cumulatively or as a single donation, will receive a letter of accounting and tax deductibility at the end of the calendar year.
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To direct payment in support of a teacher, course, or event, please use one of the corresponding quick-link donation buttons. Be sure to select the intended event date, teacher, or course from the provided drop-down list before proceeding with the final payment amount.