Join us as we continue the conversation from our February 13th introduction to SIM’s Five-Year Plan and fundraising effort. This gathering will be an opportunity for the community to ask questions, share reflections, and engage in small group discussions about the future of our sangha.

If you missed the February 13th presentation, you can listen to the recording here: State of the Sangha (Feb 13 Audio).

Your voice is essential as we navigate the choices ahead. Whether you have questions, concerns, or ideas to share, we encourage you to participate in this important dialogue. Together, we can shape a sustainable and thriving future for SIM.

You can attend the meeting in-person or by Zoom. For meeting details, visit

Good news!  Registration for the Spring course will open this upcoming Saturday, March 1, 2025.  As a reminder, this will be a six-week hybrid course (in-person and/or on Zoom) taught by SIM Community Teachers Rich Howard, Sara Denzler, Vance Pryor, Diana Clark, and Walt Opie.  The course will take place on Tuesday evenings (7PM-9PM) from April 29 through June 3, 2025, with a Daylong Retreat on Saturday, May 24th (8:30 AM – 4:30 PM).

This is a very popular course, and it will fill up fast…so please REGISTER if you are interested. For more information, visit (Hybrid) Beginning Meditation (6-week course):

Sacramento Insight Meditation invites you to a special gathering on Thursday, February 13 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm PST. On this evening, we’ll reflect on our journey as a community, share our vision for the next five years, and discuss the financial health of our sangha. This is an opportunity to connect with fellow practitioners, learn about our five-year plan, and explore how we can all contribute to creating a vibrant and sustainable future together.

Together, we’ll deepen our understanding of SIM’s initiatives in teaching, leadership, and infrastructure, and consider how our collective efforts will support future generations of Dharma practitioners.

Your presence and input are vital as we shape the path forward. We hope to see you there, either in-person or on Zoom! For meeting location and Zoom details, CLICK HERE.

If you want to attend any of our Thursday night talks remotely via Zoom (January 2 through March 27), use this button at the time of the meeting to join in.

Optionally, you may download and import this iCalendar (.ics) file (click here) to your calendar system.

If you don’t have a computer/smartphone/internet access, you can still join a meeting by regular phone. Simply find your local number to dial ( and enter the Meeting ID: 821 5948 5895  &  Passcode: 927093.

Note: When Zoom is an option for any event at SIM, you can always locate the Join Meeting link by checking our calendar (click here) for the specific day and time of the event of interest. If a meeting link ever fails, try this alternate link and manually enter the posted meeting ID and passcode.

Starting Thursday, April 3, the Join Meeting on Zoom details will change to ( Meeting ID: 824 3438 6704 and Passcode: 244812 ).

Family Sangha Program

Have you seen the latest update from our Sacramento Dharma Center? An excerpt is shown below:

Three years ago, the Sacramento Dharma Center began a fundraising campaign to pay down $150,000 on our mortgage before we had to refinance in 2026. Astoundingly, with two years to go we have already paid down $250,000 of debt and now owe just under $132,000!
We need your help to continue this success. This year, four amazing donors have together offered $1 to $1 matching funds up to $42,000. This sets our campaign goal at $84,000. We humbly ask for your support to meet or go beyond this goal. <Read More…>

SIM once again is participating in the Saint John’s Adopt-A-Family Program this holiday season. We have a goal of $600 to purchase gifts for a family of four to five people. Help us bring joy to the women and children who are striving for a brighter future. Any money beyond what is needed for the holiday gifts will go to SIM to pay for the St. John’s monthly meal expenses. Each month SIM sponsors a dinner for the residents of St. John’s. Volunteers purchase the groceries, cook, and serve a meal of meatloaf, broccoli, rice, salad, and clementines for 80+ people. This meal costs around $300 each month. We need your help to continue this long-standing tradition that is much appreciated by all who partake in it.

Since 1985, Saint John’s Program for Real Change has supported more than 30,000 formerly homeless women and children, providing them with the essential tools and knowledge to change the trajectory of their lives.

To make a general donation to Sacramento Insight Meditation, click here.

Dear Friends,

Come join us on October 31st (7 PM – 9 PM) for a Community Night facilitated by Rich Howard. It will feature a sit, a dharmette on the theme of equanimity, and small group discussions in the first hour. The second hour will be for socializing with our community.
With the election coming up, anxiety levels may be high. We won’t be talking politics, but we’ll focus on how we use our practice to deal with the election and other world events.
In the spirit of Halloween and to have some fun, we are encouraging everyone to come in costume. Don’t worry, you won’t be alone, several board members and faculty will be in costume. Let’s have some fun together and support one another during this pre-election period.
Bring a treat to share. No tricks!

With Metta,

SIM Board and Faculty

For 2025, SIM is offering a 12-month course lead by SIM Community Teacher Diane Wilde. Course participants meet in-person, monthly from January through December on the third Sunday of each month from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. There will be an introduction to the course on December 22, 2024 (2:00 pm to 4:00 pm). For more information, visit the course overview page at A Year to Live.

Click here for registration details.

For the month of September SIM is having a monthly donor campaign. If you are not currently a monthly donor, consider signing up. Your monthly recurring donations will provide steady and reliable revenues, which allows us to plan responsibly and to make future commitments. As a thank you gift, we have a choice between two books,

If you have any questions, email Amy Kovak. It’s easy to sign up online – select the Donate now button:

Select Payment Method
Personal Info


Donation Total: $75 One Time

To submit a registration fee, exit this page and contact the retreat/course registrar for information on how to make payment.
Enter the amount you plan to give. To donate without a PayPal account, select “PayPal” along with the buttons “Donate” and “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card“. To donate by personal check, select “Offline Donation” option.