Transforming Ourselves, Transforming Our Country
The aim of the historical Buddha’s teachings is nothing less than a transformation of how we understand ourselves and our experience; how we relate to each other; and how we engage the world around us. He provided us with a substantial system of practices supported by a dynamic psychology to move toward these goals. These practices and psychology are equally applicable to transformation in the inner sense, as well as the outer sense. What we do and say in the world is a reflection of our inner landscape.
This evening will explore the intersection between inner and outer transformation, and how the practices and psychology handed down to us by the Historical Buddha are essential in dealing with the turbulence, chaos and change taking place in our country. That change is broad and deep – socially, culturally, racially and politically. In this context, we’ll look at the role and obligations of those in spiritual communities, both individually and collectively, in making decisions about government initiated or sanctioned harming and violence.
There are two handouts referenced in this talk:
- The Three Trainings Of The Eight Fold Path
- The Foundational & Essential Process – Inquiry or Investigation
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