Tag Archive for: On Retreat

Day-long Retreat on the theme: Attention & Mindful – An Exploration

Mindfulness is sometimes described as non-judgmental “bare” attention. As helpful as this general description may be, it tends to cloud the fact that there is a significant difference between attention and mindfulness. They play separate and distinct roles in practice. And, most importantly, it gives no hint of the reality that attention and mindfulness are both purposeful in Buddhist practice. In a period of time when both of these terms are been uncoupled from their historical Buddhist meanings, what do they mean for each of us as 21st century, urban practitioners?

This will be a day of practice, reflection, experimentation and investigation:

  • What is the functional difference between attention and mindfulness?
  • What are we supposed to be paying attention to and being mindful of?
  • What does it mean that attention and mindfulness are purposeful in Buddhist practice?

What is the relationship between the answers to these questions and the underlying psychology of the historical Buddha?

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If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.

The Three Pillars of the Dharma

The practices of generosity, harmonious living, and the cultivation of wisdom comprise the fullness of the Buddha’s teaching.

If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.

From Separation to Seamless Reality

Buddhist teachings emphasize the link between dukkha, an inner dissatisfaction that keeps us from enjoying life and the delusive view of the self that we are separate from others. During this meditation day, we will explore the conceptual proliferation that generates the sense of self and turn towards the fullness, peace and potential that is our ever-present nature. Ending conceptual proliferation reveals a seamless reality at the heart of everything and fundamentally changes our way of being and living. The day will be informed by mindful investigation of our direct experience, and framed within teachings on emptiness, pervasive awareness and love.

If you would like to download this guided meditation, please right click and select “save as” here.

If you would like to download this guided meditation, please right click and select “save as” here.

If you would like to download this guided meditation, please right click and select “save as” here.

If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.

If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.

SIM 2016 Residential Retreat with Dennis Warren, Diane Wilde, and Rich Howard.2016 SIM Retreat Summary

** If you would like to download any of the following dharma talks, please right click on the talk’s link “talk x of y” and select “save as”.

“An integrated path of practice (1)” – talk 1 of 7 with Dennis Warren

“Metta” – talk 2 of 7 with Diane Wilde

“Compassion” – talk 3 of 7 with Rich Howard

“An integrated path of practice (2) Key elements” – talk 4 of 7 with Dennis Warren

“Sympathetic joy” – talk 5 of 7 with Diane Wilde

“Equanimity” – talk 6 of 7 with Rich Howard

“An integrated path of practice (3) Spiritual and Daily Life” – talk 7 of 7 with Dennis Warren


The Integration of Love and Wisdom 

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Loving Kindness Meditation Practice

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2015 SIM Residential Retreatants

“Three Strikes of John’s Beautiful Sounding Bowl,” 45 Second mp3

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“Where The Stones Are,” with John Travis

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“How We Train Our Mind,” with Dennis Warren

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“The Last Hurrah,” with John Travis

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“2014 Pilgramage,” with Dennis Warren

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“Disenchantment,” with John Travis

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“Anatta,” with Dennis Warren

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“Ultimate Ease,” with John Travis

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“A Mediation From The Colorado Division of Wildlife,” with John Travis

If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.