Tag Archive for: Noliwe Alexander
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Is it possible to find ease and grace in a world full of change?
It is possible to trust the mind of non-clinging and so find our liberation within the world of impermanence. ~ Gil Fronsdal
We will explore this question of finding refuge in the truth of change in our uncertain and often turbulent times. While letting go of our fixed views and opening to the possibilities of freedom, we have the opportunity to deepen our understanding of living with clarity and ease in each moment.
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What is Dana?
Dana is a Buddhist word that means generosity or heart. Nearly all Sacramento Insight Meditation activities are offered on a dana (donations) basis. This means our programs are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. Practice dana, please support our Sangha. DONATE NOW