September Monthly Donor Campaign

For the month of September SIM is having a monthly donor campaign. If you are not currently a monthly donor, consider signing up. Your monthly recurring donations will provide steady and reliable revenues, which allows us to plan responsibly and to make future commitments. As a thank you gift, we have a choice between two books,

If you have any questions, email Amy Kovak. It’s easy to sign up online – select the Donate now button:

Select Payment Method
Personal Info


Donation Total: $75 One Time

To submit a registration fee, exit this page and contact the retreat/course registrar for information on how to make payment.
Enter the amount you plan to give. To donate without a PayPal account, select “PayPal” along with the buttons “Donate” and “Donate with a Debit or Credit Card“. To donate by personal check, select “Offline Donation” option.

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