Returning To The Dharma Center!
* Click here for the latest information about attending events in-person *
The SIM Board is very happy to announce that in-person SIM meetings in the Dharma Center will resume on Thursday, July 15th at the usual time of 7 PM. Dennis Warren, our founding teacher, will be the speaker for the evening.

We will continue to carry the meetings on Zoom for those that prefer that format; having Zoom access also allows us to continue to have teachers from outside Sacramento. Both the in-person and Zoom audiences will be able to interact with the teacher. The Zoom links and dana information will be posted on the SIM home page as before at
We are asking that all in-person attendees, whether vaccinated or not, wear masks when inside the building. While we believe most of our attendees are fully vaccinated, some members are still uncomfortable being inside in proximity with others when full vaccination of all attendees is not verified. Masks are the next best level of protection. The mask request may be disappointing to some who have enjoyed seeing each other unmasked. However, SIM’s goal is to welcome back the maximum number of sangha members who would like the opportunity to see each other in person. Wearing a mask when indoors will be an act of generosity to the whole community, and members can socialize without a mask outside the building before and after the meeting and during tea break.
The mask requirement will be revisited as conditions change.
Other safety measures for in-person meetings include spacing chairs a few feet apart, and two new HEPA filters in the Dharma Hall to enhance air flow.
We look forward to seeing you all, whether virtually on Zoom or in person in the Dharma Hall!
* * An update from Dec 7, 2021 is included below. * *