Meet date change for Climate Sangha

NOTICE: The Climate Sangha has changed its meeting day and time for 2019. The new time is 6:30-8:30 pm on the Third Wednesday of each month. So, it will be February 20 next month.

Regarding the meeting already held in January . . .

  • In this New Year, you are invited to participate in the re-energized SDC Climate Sangha. Our mailing list of over 100 includes many we have not seen in a while. To accommodate as many of our core group as possible, we have shifted the meeting to the Third Wednesday, January 16 this month, and moved the time a bit earlier, 6:30-8:30 pm. This month, we will have a presentation from Ruthy Ballard and Michelle Stevens. If you haven’t seen Ruthy’s message yet, or want details about the meeting this month, click here.