COVID-19 Risk Assessment Tool


Attending future events at SIM: Information to help assess your Covid-19 risk for attending future Sacramento Insight Meditation sponsored events

The Sacramento Insight Meditation board of directors has not yet determined a date or the circumstances for having in-person SIM-events at the Sacramento Dharma Center. In preparation for the eventual re-opening of our events at the Dharma Center, we’d like to share this New York Times article published 3/30/21. The article includes an interactive survey that calculates a person’s risk of SARS-Cov-2 (Covid-19) infection from engaging in public activities based on the individual’s age, health conditions, size of the meeting and other factors. This article is provided to help sangha members decide whether to attend in-person meetings based on their own self-assessment. We hope you find it helpful.

Click the image or the link caption to access the article’s interactive survey.