Notice: As of August 2024, this course is full; the course start date has been moved to January 7, 2025 and we invite you to add your name to the wait list.
SIM’s Founding Teacher Dennis Warren will be teaching a new three-month course “Experiencing Insight: The Defining Characteristic of Theravada/Vipassana Buddhism“.
This fundraising event is open to all community members and practitioners, allies and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Color) alike. Details about the fundraiser are shown below or CLICK HERE: 16:56:172024-07-15 17:37:26Movie Night Fundraiser – July 19
This is an intersangha event hosted by the Sacramento Dharma enter. Come on Saturday, June 22 for the day, the morning, or the afternoon session and help catalog the books in the SDC library. For event details, click here. Please RSVP to Jody Ansell. 12:00:002024-06-05 12:00:03Buddhist Book Cataloging and Potluck
Previously meeting online (Zoom-only) on Monday nights, starting June 19th, the Buddhist Recovery Sangha meetings have switched to onsite (In-person only) on Wednesday nights. There will no meeting on Monday 6/3/24 and Monday 6/10/24. After Monday 5/27/24 the next meeting will occur Wednesday 6/19/24. For specific meeting details, you can check the Sacramento Insight Meditation calendar.
The Qualities That Reshape Daily Life & Lead to Buddhahood
The Paramis: A Special Three-Month Series of Talks
The Paramis or “Perfections” are considered essential qualities of mind and heart that reshape our daily lives and lead to Buddhahood and awakening. The constitute a comprehensive path of practice which parallels and supports each of the practices of the Historical Buddha’s Eight-Fold Path.
The Paramis are: Ethics/Virtue, Generosity, Patience, Energy, Restraint/Renunciation, Resolve, Equanimity, Loving Kindness, Truthfulness and Wisdom.
SIM’s teachers will be presenting a 10-week series of coordinated talks exploring the Paramis and their application in practice and daily life. We invite you to this special opportunity to deepen your practice in community with others on Thursday evenings from March 14 through May 16, 2024.
Click here to see the upcoming Thursday line-up: Each link shown below will direct you to the audio dharma recording for that date. 22:00:002024-05-23 12:48:45Three Month Talk Series – The Paramis
SIM is participating in the Big Day of Giving on May 2. If you plan on giving this day, consider donating to SIM. We have a generous donor who has pledged to match all donations up to $1000. This giving campaign is a continuation of SIM’s efforts to make the Legacy Teacher Project sustainable and to carry SIM’s mission well into the future. We hope you will think of SIM on the Big Day of Giving!
What is Big Day of Giving? Big Day of Giving is a once-annual 24-hour giving challenge to help local nonprofits raise funds to make a difference in the Sacramento region. It’s the culmination of an entire year’s worth of community-building and collaboration led by the Sacramento Region Community Foundation, with support from community partners like Western Health Advantage, and made possible by people like you!
How can I help? GIVE: You can donate to SIM by visiting on Thursday, May 2, and making a gift with a credit or debit card.
Donations as little as $10 make a big difference
Your gifts can help us win some of the prizes that are up for grabs!
Help us reach our $1000 match from an anonymous donor; every donation will be doubled until the match has been completely met! 23:40:302024-05-01 23:41:14Big Day of Giving – donate today 08:00:002024-04-20 11:00:41Join us to thank Mary Howard (Apr 25th)
The Dharma Zephyr Insight Meditation Community is announcing a 3-night residential retreat featuring SIM’s Legacy Teacher Project teacher Vance Pryor. This residential retreat runs Sunday, 4/7/24 through Wednesday, 4/14/24 and registration is still open. For retreat details, visit 15:27:102024-03-25 15:50:51Vance Pryor – Lake Tahoe Residential Retreat in April
The Climate Sangha is sponsored by the Sacramento Dharma Center (SDC) and is a peer-led community using Buddhist practice to face the future with on-going climate change. It provides a place to discuss hopes and fears openly and address ways to take skillful action. The group meets the third Wednesday of each month from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM in the SDC library and also on Zoom. Meeting and Zoom link details are posted on the SDC calendar, click here to view.
Add your name to the Climate Sangha mailing list to be notified on how to join their Zoom meetings – please complete the interest form below or contact Diana Cassady for more information.
The SIM Board would like to express our deep gratitude to all our sangha members. Each of you contribute to making our sangha special either through your financial and/or volunteer support or by participating in our programs. The success of SIM is based on a strong community rooted in the Dhamma.
In an effort to keep the sangha informed of the SIM Board’s activities, we are initiating a practice of writing regular communications. We feel that it is important for you to know what the Board is doing to support the SIM mission of providing vipassana/insight meditation support to the Sacramento community. Our hope is that increased communication from the SIM Board will clarify issues facing SIM, generate excitement in its potential, and inspire involvement in our precious sangha.
Looking back on 2023, we would like to share with you our accomplishments for the past year. The Legacy Teacher Project was initiated, and teachers Diana Clark, Walt Opie, and Vance Pryor are teaching regularly at SIM. Our Legacy teachers have also signed up to lead the 2025 SIM residential retreat! We launched our new website which involved over a year of planning, resulting in an appealing and user-friendly interface. In November, SIM held a successful residential retreat with Greg Scharf at the Mercy Center, during which sangha members recharged their practice. To provide much needed administrative support to the Board and Faculty, we developed and filled the Operations Manager position, and we are pleased to have David Guerrieri in this role. And we had our most successful year-end fundraising ever, with $24,000 raised!
This year we have already had a good deal happen, especially with changes to the Board. I officially took over as president in January from Jon Siiteri who served as president for the last two years. Jon remains on the board as a Member-at-Large until next spring. Alice Carney, who has been on the board for five years and served as Secretary, stepped off the Board in early February. We so appreciate Alice’s work on the Board, particularly her efforts to manage the website project, which was a huge undertaking! Karen Tercho, who has been on the board for two years, will now be the Board’s Secretary.
In February we welcomed Carmen Pereira and Margaret Buss to the Board.
Carmen Pereira Margaret Buss
Carmen comes to the Board with bookkeeping skills and an enthusiastic attitude. She will be taking on the Treasurer position when Greg Gollihur steps down in April.
After serving as Volunteer Coordinator for seven years, Margaret Buss joined the Board. She comes with a wealth of knowledge about SIM and the SDC, and her wisdom will help guide us. Much gratitude to Jon, Alice, Karen, Greg, Carmen, and Margaret for their service to the SIM community.
In mid-January, the board and faculty held a daylong retreat to take extended time to practice and work together. From this meeting came several ideas for practice events, including a Volunteer Appreciation event in March and commuter mini-retreat in August. And plans to update our weekly newsletter, now called SIM News, are in the works.
One of the decisions that came out of the meeting is an increase in daylong and course fees. We will now have a base rate of $25 per daylong, and $50 per course with additional levels that sustain SIM. Although we would love to be able to provide the Dhamma freely, we face the economic reality of our need for more professional services and a potential operating deficit for 2024. However, we remain committed to inviting everyone to access the teachings and will not turn anyone away for lack of funds.
As we look forward into 2024, I ask for your continued support and participation. We have opportunities for sangha involvement in one of the SIM Board committees or working groups: Finance, Community Outreach, and Residential Retreat Planning. Participation in a committee is an excellent chance to acquire a greater understanding of the day-to-day operation of SIM and provides an opportunity to get to know fellow sangha members on a deeper level. If a committee is not your thing, the set-up team for Thursday evenings and Saturday daylongs needs volunteers. I encourage you all to consider participating!
I look forward to practicing with each of you on this Dhamma Path. And, if you see a Board member on Thursday night, please say hello. We would love to get to know you better and would appreciate hearing about your experience at SIM.