Dear Friends,
With the heartbreaking news of recent events, I have found much refuge in the simplicity and directness of metta meditation practice. As a result, I am moved to share this practice and to support a larger coming-together of our sangha in metta offering. I would be honored if you would join me and an online community of other practitioners at this time.

- When: Friday, June 5th, 8AM Hawaii, 11AM PT, 1PM CT, 2PM ET, 8PM Europe. For other time zones we plan to share a recording on the Vipassana Metta Foundation website following the gathering.
- What: 40 minutes of guided metta
- Where: Zoom
- Fee: None, this is a dāna offering. If you are moved to give in response, please see below.
- Who can join: Anyone who is interested. Please feel free to share this invite with others who might like to join.
Metta practice—offering unconditional goodwill—deeply supports us, as well as all beings, as we navigate these very difficult times. In addition to the goodwill we are offering to others, our practice also calms, stabilizes, and unifies our minds, hearts, and bodies. This helps us greatly to act and speak with wisdom and compassion, which is so important to bring to the world now.
As mentioned above, this a dāna offering, this means there is no request for registration fee or teacher dāna. If you are compelled to offer dāna, please share this dāna with any group or organization your heart opens to help.
With metta and my thanks for your consideration,
Video recording “Guided Metta for Turbulent Times“