Message from the SIM Board

The SIM Board is continuing to monitor developments regarding the Delta variant of Covid19 and met last week to discuss whether we should remain open for in-person attendance.  After careful review of the most recent information, we have decided that is it safe to maintain a hybrid program of in-person and Zoom attendance for now.  We want to share with you not only our decision, but also the thinking behind it.

    Vaccination continues to provide good protection from infection and serious illness due to Delta, and we strongly urge all members of our community to be vaccinated.  If anyone would like to be vaccinated but hasn’t been able to do so, we would be glad to help.  We want to send a clear message that anyone who is not fully vaccinated should NOT attend SIM events in person for their own safety and the safety of others.  Those who choose to remain unvaccinated are welcome to participate remotely on Zoom. We value the participation of all members of our sangha, whether remotely or in-person.
    To maximize safety, we will continue to require indoor masking, and will provide high quality KN95 masks at the door to anyone who would like one.  We will continue to arrange socially distanced seating and make maximal use of our two high-quality HEPA air filters.  All of this helps to further reduce risk so that we can safely practice together in accordance with county and CDC guidelines.
    We do not want the focus on minimizing risk to overshadow the benefits that we are striving to provide to our community, namely the opportunity for us to practice together.  After this long period of isolation and loneliness, coming together to practice as a sangha is an opportunity that we truly value. 

We understand that each of us, including our teachers, will need to evaluate the personal risks and benefits of in-person attendance and make individual decisions about how to attend SIM.  All of us on the Board want to support you in whatever you choose to do. 

We extend sincere thanks to the members of our audiovisual and set-up teams who have agreed to participate in making in-person attendance possible.  Over the next several weeks we will monitor attendance and decide in consultation with our volunteers whether the number of attendees justifies continuing the in-person component.  We will also continue careful monitoring of the latest scientific information regarding Covid and re-evaluate our plans accordingly.

With deep gratitude to all of you who have remained faithful supporters of our sangha,

Cathy Vigran, for the SIM Board

The SIM Board is monitoring the current available health information and will be considering whether to make changes to the format for Thursday nights. To confirm whether the evening format of our Sit & Dharam Talks are hybrid or online, check the website on the day of the meeting.

* Click here for the latest information about attending events in-person *

The SIM Board is very happy to announce that in-person SIM meetings in the Dharma Center will resume on Thursday, July 15th at the usual time of 7 PM. Dennis Warren, our founding teacher, will be the speaker for the evening.

We will continue to carry the meetings on Zoom for those that prefer that format; having Zoom access also allows us to continue to have teachers from outside Sacramento. Both the in-person and Zoom audiences will be able to interact with the teacher. The Zoom links and dana information will be posted on the SIM home page as before at

We are asking that all in-person attendees, whether vaccinated or not, wear masks when inside the building. While we believe most of our attendees are fully vaccinated, some members are still uncomfortable being inside in proximity with others when full vaccination of all attendees is not verified. Masks are the next best level of protection. The mask request may be disappointing to some who have enjoyed seeing each other unmasked. However, SIM’s goal is to welcome back the maximum number of sangha members who would like the opportunity to see each other in person. Wearing a mask when indoors will be an act of generosity to the whole community, and members can socialize without a mask outside the building before and after the meeting and during tea break.

The mask requirement will be revisited as conditions change.

Other safety measures for in-person meetings include spacing chairs a few feet apart, and two new HEPA filters in the Dharma Hall to enhance air flow.

We look forward to seeing you all, whether virtually on Zoom or in person in the Dharma Hall!

* * An update from Dec 7, 2021 is included below. * *

The Sacramento Dharma Center board of directors requests that we take a short survey to share how we feel about returning to the center and they’ll use the survey results to inform their decisions on reopening. The survey should only take a few minutes. Please respond by 4/21/2021. The SDC boards says “Thank you for your help!”

Within the survey, mark only one answer to each question, so please click on the answer that is most important to you.

Before taking the survey, you may find it helpful to review the following post:

Attending future events at SIM: Information to help assess your Covid-19 risk for attending future Sacramento Insight Meditation sponsored events

The Sacramento Insight Meditation board of directors has not yet determined a date or the circumstances for having in-person SIM-events at the Sacramento Dharma Center. In preparation for the eventual re-opening of our events at the Dharma Center, we’d like to share this New York Times article published 3/30/21. The article includes an interactive survey that calculates a person’s risk of SARS-Cov-2 (Covid-19) infection from engaging in public activities based on the individual’s age, health conditions, size of the meeting and other factors. This article is provided to help sangha members decide whether to attend in-person meetings based on their own self-assessment. We hope you find it helpful.

Click the image or the link caption to access the article’s interactive survey.

Sacramento Insight Mediation hopes that you are finding stability through your practice at home during this unsettling time. Don’t forget these lists of available resources (1 of 2) and (2 of 2) that we’ve collected to help you. And we continue to nurture our sangha with online meetings that we hope you can attend.

Following government COVID-19 guidelines, Sacramento Dharma Center (SDC) will remain closed until further notice. Because of the changing nature of this crisis, the SDC Board of Directors (in collaboration with the resident sanghas) will continue to reassess the closure status weekly. Whenever reopening is permitted and advisable, the SDC will advise on how it will be implemented.

* This information is a re-post from the update published on 4/18/20 and 5/03/20.

For the benefit of SIM’s community, our Board of Directors have provided this additional COVID-19 Resources List.

State/Federal Aid

Sacramento Utilities

Business Loan Programs

  • SBA Coronavirus Relief Loans – The SBA is allowing small businesses statewide to apply for disaster relief loans of up to $2 million with interest rates at 2.75% for nonprofits and 3.75% for small businesses. Repayment can extend up to 30 years.
  • Women’s Economic Venture’s Quick Response Loans – Women’s Economic Venture’s is offering local small businesses impacted by COVID-19 up to $10,000 in hardship loans with 4.5% interest rates and 36-month term. First payment is deferred for three months response-loans/
  • Sacramento Small Business Economic Emergency Relief Loan – A $1 million fund for businesses to borrow up to $25,000 if they were impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. (NOTE: Fund is currently exhausted and not taking new applications. Businesses should check back if additional funding becomes available.)
  • COVID-19 Layoff Aversion Fund – The Workforce Development Board (WDB) of Solano County is issuing grants to help businesses with fewer than 500 employees in the county to avoid layoffs. Applicants must demonstrate a need for layoff aversion support due to the impacts of COVID-19.

Legal & Medical Care Assistance

To download this talk, right-click and select ‘save audio as’ or select the 3-dot menu to the right of the speaker icon.

Body, Nervous System, and Energy Practices and Teachings for COVID-19 Times and For Anytime

To download this talk, right-click and select ‘save audio as’ or select the 3-dot menu to the right of the speaker icon.

We hope that you are finding stability through your practice at home during this unsettling time. Don’t forget this list of available resources SIM has collected to help you.

It’s is also published at

And we continue to nurture our sangha with online meetings that we hope you can attend: