6/20/2024 “Disappointment: An Important Practice Leading to Insight” with Dennis Warren

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Buddhism encourages us to realize that things are frequently not as they first appear. In many cases, the true nature of something is the reverse of what we initially think: what we want and believe is helpful, harms us in the long run; what we don’t want is what we most need; what seems to be a risk is an opportunity.
Disappointment falls into this category. Although we would prefer not to experience it, disappointment is a pre-condition to real development in practice and a more open, inclusive, kind life.
This evening will explore the nature of disappointment and the important role it plays in spiritual practice. What is it? How can we welcome it into our lives? How can we relate to it as a practice, rather than as something unwanted? And why is it indispensable to deep, fundamental insight?
The subject matter of this evening will be appropriate for all stages of practice