08/16/2018 “Taking Refuge … in the sangha” with Diane Wilde

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As Buddhist practitioners, we take refuge in the Buddha (and our own potential for Buddhahood), the Dharma (how life unfolds) and the sangha, (a supportive community of practitioners.) On this evening we take a closer look at sangha.
There are activities going on “behind the scenes” at SIM that you most likely don’t know about, as well as other supportive programs which will be offered in the future. We will also discuss what YOU would like to see offered at YOUR sangha.
Cookies and other treats were featured during the break.

The entire talk was very interesting and because it relates to our Sangha, we have also posted this talk to the SIM “News” blog. Some highlights of Sangha members who contributed to the discussion are summarized below noting the audio time marker, name, and discussion topic. This is not a comprehensive list. Listen to the entire talk so you won’t miss out on anything of interest to you.

  • 10:28 Margaret (house on fire)
  • 20:22 Robin (dharma hikers)
  • 31:13 Tom (Friday morning sits)
  • 31:44 Teri (book club)
  • 38:43 Jith (Family Sangha
  • 45:12 Sara/Bob (building landscaping)
  • 47:31 Mary (St. John’s Shelter)
  • 49:42 Barb (Alter design)
  • 51:12 Michael (Alter design)
  • 57:52 Jim (Climate Sanhga)
  • 1:00:39 Rich (Wednesday morning sits)