07/13/2017 “Approaching the Dhamma” with Rich Howard

In the Buddha’s Words: Approaching the Dhamma

“It is fitting for you to be perplexed, O Kalamas.” These words spoken by the Buddha to the citizens of Kesaputta ring true for us today. How do we approach the teachings of the Buddha, when there are so many competing spiritual, philosophical, and secular teachings, so many schools of Buddhism, and so many interpretations and teachers even within our own Insight (vipassana) tradition?

Dennis, Diane, and Rich have chosen a book called “In the Buddha’s Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon” edited and introduced by Bhikkhu Bodhi (Wisdom Publications, 2005) as the theme for presentations at SIM through the end of this year. This evening, we will explore Chapter III, Approaching the Dhamma. As a starting point, Rich leads a discussion of the Buddha’s teaching to the Kalamas (AN 3:65), including Bhikkhu Bodhi’s point of view on the message of this sutta.

To prepare for this evening, folks read the first half of the Introduction to Chapter III (pages 81-85, first paragraph), and texts III,1 and III,2 (pages 88-91). If you do not have this book, here are some alternative citations from accesstoinsight.org:

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