06/15/2017 “In the Buddha’s Words: Introducing Our New Theme” with Rich Howard

In the Buddha’s Words: Introducing Our New Theme

As our practice matures, we may be moved to explore the suttas (discourses of the Buddha) on our own, without interpretation from someone else. After all, our tradition emphasizes direct experience. Yet it may seem difficult to know where to start. There is some repetition, both within a sutta and in thematic material repeated in various suttas. Some translations may have archaic language. The suttas are not in chronological order. And it may be difficult to find a sutta to answer a particular question arising in our practice or daily life.

For over 10 years, practitioners, including many at SIM, have found access to the suttas using a book called “In the Buddha’s Words: An Anthology of Discourses from the Pali Canon” edited and introduced by Bhikkhu Bodhi (Wisdom Publications, 2005). In addition to presenting suttas edited to be more readable, Bhikkhu Bodhi organizes the material by theme and offers an excellent introduction to each section.

Dennis, Diane, and Rich have chosen this book as the theme for at least the next 6 months of presentations at SIM. Join us this evening as we begin the exploration of this helpful, wide-ranging text.

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If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.

Talk Handout: 20170615-BuddhasWords.pdf

If you are interested in purchasing a paperback copy of “In the Buddha’s Words.” complete the form below to contact Rich Howard. The book cost will be $11.37.

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