02/23/2019 “Not clinging to self-identity” with Diane Wilde
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If you would like to download this talk, please right click and select “save as” here.Not clinging to Self-identity is the first “marker” on the path to liberation — and could be divided into both exterior and interior ‘processes’. Our exterior self-identity fixates on how we need to be seen by acquaintances and strangers with our predefined narrative. We want our “specialness” to be recognized. Our interior self-identity is a confusing contrivance which is constantly changing, re-evaluating and re-constructing itself. In fact, our mutating interior self-identity causes even more suffering than the outward modality in which we face the world. In contemporary terms, working with self-identity might be defined as, learning how to not take ourselves so seriously. At our daylong we will learn from traditional Buddhist teachings, as well as contemporary teachers, how to start releasing this bag of tricks that ultimately makes no sense at all. We may even begin to see the truth that clinging to self-identity is ultimately the source of our suffering… and begin to let go.