02/18/2021 “Experiencing Emptiness of Self” with Dennis Warren
Experiencing Emptiness of Self and Its’ Practical, Every-Day Implications

Understanding and experiencing the teaching on the Emptiness-of-Self (“No-Self” / “Anatta”) is considered is to be defining and transformative. But having the actual experience that makes this teaching immediate, direct and relevant to every-day life and relationships seems to elude us.
The focus of this Thursday night’s discussions will explore the Emptiness-of-Self through 4 questions:
- Why is it considered so important from a practical perspective?
- What is (and is not) the experience of Emptiness-of-Self?
- What impact does the experience of Emptiness-Of-Self have on our understanding of ourselves, our relationships, our behavior and our place in the world?
- What methods can help us understand and directly experience Emptiness-Of-Self in meditation and everyday life more often and more tangibly?
Community teacher, Rich Howard, gave an excellent traditional overview of the teaching on “no-self” or “anatta” on Thursday, February 4 under the topic of “Finding and Losing Yourself.” Dennis’ discussion this Thursday will be on the same teaching but from a different perspective and emphasis. Rich’s talk is posted to SIM’s Audio Dharma Library (click here).
The subject matter of this evening is appropriate for all stages of practice. All that is necessary is showing up with an open, questioning mind.