Covid Policy Update


Update on the SIM Covid Policy

The Sacramento Insight Meditation Board of Directors has approved a change in our Covid policy consistent with the current Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the California Department of Public Health guidelines. These guidelines are based on the current Sacramento County level of COVID-19 infections which is MODERATE.

Masks are no longer required but optional for those who choose to wear them. However, if the community level of COVID infection becomes HIGH masks are strongly recommended. As a reminder, an effective mask, like an N95, KN95, and KF94 offers the best fit and filtration.

Masks will continue to be available at the entrance to the Dharma Hall for this purpose.

For attendance at SIM in-person events at the Sacramento Dharma Center, all attendees are encouraged to be fully vaccinated with the most recent recommended vaccines.

Seating arrangements will continue to allow for social distancing.

If you are experiencing new symptoms of fever, chills, or cough, or if you or someone in your household is at increased risk for serious complications from Covid, please choose to participate in SIM events remotely.

Use the following links for the most current information: