Coronavirus Protection Support



Getting vaccinated remains the best protection against COVID 19 and known variants. Sacramento County maintains a comprehensive current list of vaccination sites and vaccinations are free.

If lack of transportation affects your ability to go to a vaccination site, email SIM at We will arrange for a volunteer to help you.


Masks remain a very effective tool against the spread of coronavirus. Because of the Delta variant’s higher transmissibility, medical experts are recommending upgrading mask use when indoors for longer periods, either by using an authenticated N95 or KN95 medical grade masks (see article cited below) or by double masking with a cloth mask over a disposable surgical mask. A mask with an exhale valve should not be used: it allows plumes of viral particles to escape.

New York Times (NYT) Articles

The New York Times has published several well-researched articles on masks, social distancing, and other tools to protect yourself against the Delta variant. As conditions change, these precautions will also need to be updated.

  • (NYT) Double masking how-to: Double-masking is still considered an effective means of preventing COVID transmission. Here are some important points to remember. More…
  • (NYT) Current recommended precautions: More…

Other Useful Links

  • How to buy a real N95 or KN95: Counterfeit masks are common on Amazon. This article explains how to ensure the mask you purchase meets government standards and recommends several reliable sites. One highly recommended site is the national non-profit organization Project N95, which partners with the American Medical Association and others to vet manufacturers and ensure masks meet standards. More…
  • CDC basics on effective mask-wearing – dos and don’ts – More…