One-Day Retreat
A monthly one-day retreat involving sitting, walking, and movement meditations, a question and answer period on practice issues, and a talk and discussion on a meditation topic. See One-Day Retreat for details.
Residential Retreat
Meditation practice helps us turn inward toward a way of being where we live and act from a place of stillness, satisfaction, and kindness. Residential Retreats are designed to deepen practice skills and foster insights into the stages of awakening and their implications for daily life. See Residential Retreat for details.
Recent Dharma Talks
SIM meets online and in-person at the Sacramento Dharma Center
Recent Dharma Talks
Recent Dharma Talks
Dana is a Buddhist word that means generosity or heart. Nearly all Sacramento Insight Meditation activities are offered on a dana (donations) basis. This means our programs are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. Practice dana, please support our Sangha. DONATE NOW