Buddhist Recovery Group
Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening. For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at https://sactoinsight.org/activities/practice-opportunities/12-step-sangha/
Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening. For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at https://sactoinsight.org/activities/practice-opportunities/12-step-sangha/
This 45-minute course is suitable for beginners or anyone who would like a refresher. It is offered on the fourth Thursday of every month before the regular sitting and dharma talk. There is no fee.
Talk Topic: See, Care, Respond! This talk will not be recorded. Sacramento Insight Meditation events are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. With our practice of dana, we […]
Event registration requested From Separation to Seamless Reality Buddhist teachings emphasize the link between dukkha, an inner dissatisfaction that keeps us from enjoying life and the delusive view of the self that we are separate from others. During this meditation day, we will explore the conceptual proliferation that generates the sense of self and turn […]
It's the "Grand Opening" of the Sacramento Dharma Center. This event will include neighbors, supporters, and others in addition to the sustaining sanghas (Sacramento Buddhist Meditation Group, Sacramento Insight Meditation, and Valley Streams Zen Sangha). SDC plans to show the neighbors the new building and grounds and give everyone a chance to learn a bit […]
Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening. For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at https://sactoinsight.org/activities/practice-opportunities/12-step-sangha/
This SIM Board of Directors meeting was rescheduled from Monday Jan 23 to Monday Jan 30. Please join us. All are welcome. For more information, contact info@sactoinsight.org.
You Don’t Have to Be Buddhist Rich just returned from Thailand, where Theravada Buddhism is interwoven with Hinduism and native folk religion. Once again, the question arises: Am I a Buddhist? Another question follows: Do I have to be Buddhist to practice at SIM? Spoiler Alert: No and No. Join Rich and the SIM community […]
Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening. For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at https://sactoinsight.org/activities/practice-opportunities/12-step-sangha/
A Brahma Viharas eight month study group that's facilitated by SIM Community Mentor Diane Wilde.