Morning Meditation with Terri Townsend

Morning Meditation with Terri Townsend All are welcome to this open sitting for anyone interested in starting their morning out by sitting with others. The session involves a 40-45 minute sitting, a limited about of meditation guidance, and a few comments at the end of the sitting to set a theme for moving into the […]

*Sit & Dharma Talk – Dennis Warren – Resolving Conflicting, Contradictory or Paradoxical Teachings

Resolving Conflicting, Contradictory or Paradoxical Teachings Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Founding Teacher, Dennis Warren It is easy to view our perception that one teaching conflicts with, contradicts or is paradoxical to another teaching as an obstacle to our understanding, insight and progress on the path of practice. This perception is frequently a mis-perception […]

Buddhist Recovery Group

Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening. For additional information, visit the 12 Step Sangha page at

SIM Board of Directors Meeting

The SIM Board of Directors meets every month and all are welcome. If you can't attend this meeting, please join us for one of our other up-coming meetings. For details on contacting any of the board members, click here.

Climate Sangha

Meeting the 4th Tuesday of each month, the Sacramento Climate Sangha provides dharmic support and a refuge for exploration of our hopes and fears about climate change.

Morning Meditation with Rich Howard

Morning Meditation with Rich Howard All are welcome to this open sitting for anyone interested in starting their morning out by sitting with others. The session involves a 40-45 minute sitting, a limited about of meditation guidance, and a few comments at the end of the sitting to set a theme for moving into the […]

Introduction to Meditation with SIM Founding Teacher, Dennis Warren

This 45-minute course is suitable for beginners or anyone who would like a refresher. It is offered on the fourth Thursday of every month before the regular sitting and dharma talk. There is no fee. Sacramento Insight Meditation events are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of […]

*Sit & Dharma Talk – Steve Armstrong – Awareness, Insight & Liberation

Awareness, Insight & Liberation – with Senior Teacher Steve Armstrong We will have the rare opportunity this week of hosting Senior Teacher Steve Armstrong for a number of meditation sittings, talks and dialogues. Steve has been leading insight meditation retreat internationally since 1990; was a monk with U Pandita in Burma for 5 years; served […]

Daylong Retreat with Visiting Senior Teacher, Steve Armstrong

Awareness, Insight and Liberation Daylong Retreat with Visiting Senior Teacher, Steve Armstrong The day will focus on integrating the mindfulness meditation instructions of Mahāsi Sayadaw with the practical mindful awareness guidance of Sayadaw U Tejaniya. This event is suitable for both new and experienced meditators. People of all walks of life are warmly welcome. Steve […]

Yard Yogis Sunday Practice

Meets the last Sunday of each month. All volunteers are welcome to help with outdoor maintenance, indoor cleaning, and other tasks. A wonderful opportunity for work Dana, and community building!