Buddhist Recovery Group

Friends Meeting House 890 57th Street, Sacramento, CA, United States

Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm at the Friend’s Meeting House located at 890 57th Street, Sacramento, CA 95819. “Newcomers” and “old timers” alike are welcome to attend. The solution to craving and addictive behaviors will be explored using the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Registration is […]

SIM Board of Directors Meeting

The SIM Board of Directors meets every 4th Monday  of the month at 7 pm. Please join us. All are welcome. For more information, please contact contact info@sactoinsight.org

Climate Sangha

The Climate Sangha is meeting Tuesday, August 23, at 7 pm., at 2232 10th Ave (near City College). The Climate Sangha meets to provide a place for members concerned about the future that climate change will bring us to discuss those issues openly, to use Buddhist practice to face the changes, and to provide mutual […]

Introduction to Meditation with SIM Community Mentor, Rich Howard

Friends Meeting House 890 57th Street, Sacramento, CA, United States

This 45-minute course is suitable for beginners or anyone who would like a refresher. It is offered on the fourth Thursday of every month before the regular sitting and dharma talk. There is no fee.


Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Community Mentor, Rich Howard

Sacramento Dharma Center Building 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

Thursday, August 25, 7-9 pm. Sitting and Dharma Talk with Rich Howard, SIM Community Mentor. Analog or Digital? Nature is a seamless whole, flowing and changing continuously. The world we inhabit is increasingly digital, measured, quantified, and reduced to numbers and words. How do you think of your practice? Minutes on the cushion? Days in […]


Day-long Retreat with Nuns of the Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

Sacramento Dharma Center Building 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA, United States

Day-long Retreat with the Nuns of the Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery on Saturday, August 27, 2016, from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm at the Sacramento Friends Meeting House.  The retreat will be a potluck (no meat dishes, please). Offerings will be made to the Nuns. Volunteers are needed to help setup the room, make offerings, […]


Buddhist Recovery Group

Friends Meeting House 890 57th Street, Sacramento, CA, United States

Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm at the Friend’s Meeting House located at 890 57th Street, Sacramento, CA 95819. “Newcomers” and “old timers” alike are welcome to attend. The solution to craving and addictive behaviors will be explored using the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Registration is […]

Sit & Dharma Talk with SIM Community Mentor, Diane Wilde

To Be Announced

Thursday, September 1, 7-9 pm. Sitting and Dharma Talk with Diane Wilde, SIM Community Mentor. How do we know that we are acting appropriately? Buddhist practice is not a set of black and white rules.  Just as in life, situations are nuanced, fluid with different strategies for situations, which on the surface, might seem to […]


Buddhist Recovery Group

Friends Meeting House 890 57th Street, Sacramento, CA, United States

Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm at the Friend’s Meeting House located at 890 57th Street, Sacramento, CA 95819. “Newcomers” and “old timers” alike are welcome to attend. The solution to craving and addictive behaviors will be explored using the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Registration is […]

Sit & Dharma Talk with Visiting Mentor, Tony Bernhard

To Be Announced

Thursday, September 8, 7-9 pm. Sitting and Dharma Talk with Tony Bernhard, Visiting Teacher. Directions to the Middle Path: the Buddha's roadmap to the end of suffering...
