An online, One Day Retreat with SIM Founding Teacher Dennis Warren
A Day of Rest and Getting Ready for 2021
After an exhausting year, this one-day retreat will help us experience some genuine rest and explore a number of tools for being ready for what 2021 has in store for us.
One part of the day will be working with restorative practices that ground and nourish us while simultaneously expanding our capacity for holding difficult experiences. Another part will examine ways to work with the unavoidable, unrelenting and brutal tension, anxiety and sorrow of 2021. The day will be designed to have us leave with a set of tools and strategies for use in the new year.
This will be a relaxed day of exploration, discussion and supporting each other. The day will be scaled so it is appropriate for any level of practice and experience.
(Pre-registration is required.)
DENNIS WARREN is SIM’s Founding Teacher and has been teaching mindfulness, meditation and contemplative practices since 1998. He recently completed his 11th year as a Volunteer Clinical Professor in Mindfulness in the Division of Pain Medicine at the UC Davis School of Medicine and Medical Center. He is certified as a Mindfulness Teacher, Professional Level (CMT-P), by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association. He is a graduate of the professional trainings in Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression. He also is a graduate of the Spirit Rock Medication Center’s Dharma leaders training program. You can learn more about Dennis’ background and activities at
Dennis has been participating in residential meditation retreats, and has maintained a daily meditation practice, in the Theravadan Buddhist tradition for over 30 years. 2018 was his 20th year of teaching Insight Meditation and mindfulness practices in residential, retreat, educational, medical, corporate and community settings. In 2007 and 2014, Dennis led month long pilgrimages and moving retreats in Thailand, India and Nepal. A third is being planned for late 2021.
Sacramento Insight Meditation events are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. With our practice of dana, we support our Sangha. If you prefer to make a donation for this event online using a credit card or PayPal account, click here to DONATE ONLINE.
Summary of Important Dates
- 12/07/2020 – Registration opens.
- 12/26/2020 – Attend and enjoy the wonderful retreat. (Registration via this website closes 30 minutes before the start of the retreat on Dec 26.)
Registration Details
Registration is $15.00 per person due before the start of the event. If you are able and interested in further supporting SIM financially, you have the option of a registration fee of either $25 or $35 dollars. To pay the registration fee online, use the “Tickets” section at the bottom of this page. Specify the number of people you are registering to this retreat and click the button “Get Tickets”. You’ll be automatically directed to a secure web-page where your registration payment can be made by credit card as a guest (no PayPal account required) or payment can be made by PayPal after you sign-in to your PayPal account if you have one.
For the registration fee, we also accept personal checks. No one will be turned away for lack of funds; please contact the registrar for more information.
Before registering to this event, click here to review the terms of use for this website.
Questions for the Registrar?
If you need to contact the retreat registrar with any questions, click here.
How to attend this online retreat
Once you’ve registered, you’ll receive an email “Ticket” that also includes the link to join the Zoom meeting. Use this link at the start of the retreat to join the online retreat. Additionally, the evening before or the morning of the retreat, the registrar will send you a welcome email that also includes the link to join the Zoom meeting.
Join online meeting: The hyperlink is included in your emailed "Ticket" and also in the email sent by the retreat registrar. Join by phone: 1-669-900-9128 ( see email sent by retreat registrar for the Meeting ID ) For tips and instructions on how to use Zoom to attend the retreat, click here. To give a donation after attending this retreat, click here.