This 45-minute course is suitable for beginners or anyone who would like a refresher. It is offered on the fourth Thursday of every month before the regular sitting and dharma talk. There is no fee.
LAURA ROSENTHAL has participated actively in SIM since 2004, when she was first introduced to Insight Meditation (Vipassana) after meditating in other traditions. She served on the SIM board of directors for five years, from 2010 to 2015. She is a graduate of Spirit Rock Meditation Center’s Dedicated Practitioners Program (DPP4) and Advanced Practitioners Program (2016-17). In addition, she participates in Heather Sundberg’s Committed Students Program in Nevada City. Her teachers are Andrea Fella and Heather Sundberg. Laura practiced law in the public sector for almost 40 years, with an emphasis on access to health insurance and health care. Her other loves include Jewish text study and writing.”
Sacramento Insight Meditation events are sustained by the generosity of instructors in offering teachings freely and on the generosity of students and members of the meditative community in the form of financial support, service and participation in events. With our practice of dana, we support our Sangha.