Our Buddhist Recovery Group meets every Monday evening from 6:30 pm–8:00 pm at the Sacramento Dharma Center, 3111 Wissemann Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826 (off Folsom Blvd. between Howe and Watt Avenues).
We explore how the Buddha’s teachings — the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path – can heal the pain and suffering that addiction and compulsive behaviors have caused in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. The meeting includes a period of meditation, readings that investigate the benefits of applying Buddhist teachings to our recovery, and open sharing.
“Newcomers” and “old timers” alike are welcome to attend. Advance registration is not required nor are there any dues or fees. We “pass the hat” to cover rent and literature expenses.
For additional information please call, text, or email Brian McKinsey at (916) 225-7251, brian@sactoinsight.org.