Use this form if you need to contact the retreat registrar with any questions or if you want to register to a daylong retreat and make payment later. Expect a reply within 48 hours.

Contact Retreat Registrar

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
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If you’ve indicated that you’re registering to a daylong retreat and paying by check, make it payable to “Sacramento Insight Meditation”. On the memo line include “Reg-fee & the date of the retreat”. If the registrant name differs from the name on the check, please include a note that explains who’s registration fee is covered by the payment. Mail the check to the following address:
    Sacramento Insight Meditation
    c/o Sacramento Dharma Center Building
    Attention: Retreat Registrar
    3111 Wissemann Drive
    Sacramento, CA 95826.

Or bring the check with you if attending a one-day retreat in person.