Entries by Sabitre


Provide rides to former prisoners…

Provide rides to former prisoners who had been studying Buddhism while incarcerated. Volunteers are needed to provide rides to formerly incarcerated men and women who have been practicing Buddhism while […]

SIM Cancels Residential Retreat

SIM has offered a residential retreat for twelve consecutive years. One of the unique features of this retreat has been that it is attended almost exclusively by SIM members and […]


Building Sangha: Service with SIM

One of the most fundamental practices in building sangha/community is through service, both within/for the sangha and for the larger communities. Below are three opportunities that will not only provide […]

Diane’s Invitation June 27th

SIM Community Mentor Diane Wilde and Woody Garcia are giving a talk at Insight Central Valley in Modesto, CA on June 27th and Diane would love to have SIM sangha […]