A Year to Live
This is a twelve month course facilitated by SIM Community Teacher Reverend Diane Wilde (click here for her biography).
We all will die. The Buddha advised that this truth should be a daily contemplation in order to understand that the lives of all sentient beings have a beginning, middle and an end. Coming to terms with the reality of life brings ease, gratitude for our lives, and compassion for ourselves and others.
We’ll reference the book “A Year to Live ” by Stephen Levine, along with sutras, other relevant books, articles, movies, documentaries and guest speakers.
This is a 12-month course that meets in-person, monthly in 2025 from January through December on the third Sunday of each month from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. There will be an introduction to the course at 2:00 pm on Sunday, December 22, 2024. You must commit to attend the monthly meetings and complete assignments. We make exceptions for travel and illness.
Contact the teacher for additional information: diane@sactoinsight.org
You other questions, you may contact the course registrar.
This course is currently full and the wait list is closed.
Offer Teacher Donation
Diane Wilde will receive 75% of your donation. SIM will receive the remaining 25%.
Use the following donate button and select A Year to Live 12m from the dropdown list.