Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
Two volunteers work together to set up and prepare the space in preparation for an event. Tasks include: arranging chairs and cushions; hanging thangkas, flags, banners and other wall coverings; arranging speaker’s area; setting out audio equipment and hearing assistive devices; setting out flyers, notices and sign-up sheets; setting out teas, filling and plugging in water urn; setting out floral arrangements; returning all items to their original locations and restoring the room at the end of the even.
Estimated Time Commitment: One hour before and thirty minutes after each event.
These volunteers will greet all attendees, especially newcomers, welcoming them and orienting them to what will happen during the event.
Estimated Time Commitment: 30 minutes per event.
Name badges are available for new and returning participants. Tasks include: -setting out existing name badges -preparing name badges for new guests -collecting and storing name badges at the end of the event
Estimated Time Commitment: 30 minutes per event.
Volunteers may bring flowers from their garden or buy and arrange flowers for each event. Reimbursement is given for costs incurred.
Estimated Time Commitment: 30 minutes per event.
A volunteer can organize and arrange tea to be available for event participants during breaks.
Estimated Time Commitment: 20 minutes per event.
Volunteers are needed to set up the recording and hearing equipment at the beginning of the event and to pack and return them to storage at the end of the event.
Estimated Time Commitment: 20 minutes per event.
Volunteers are needed to sweep the exterior and vacuum the entry prior to an event, and to put out the trash after the event ends.
Estimated Time Commitment: 30 minute per event.
This volunteer will develop a list of participants’ zip codes to facilitate developing carpools. Public transportation information will also be made available.
Estimated Time Commitment: 30 minutes weekly.
The SIM professionally designed webpage requires maintenance and updating. Volunteers are needed for data entry and to upload materials, including recordings from our events.
Estimated Time Commitment: 10 minutes per week-end 4 hours quarterly to post new events.
SIM maintains a Facebook page. A volunteer is needed to update this page, including cutting and pasting items from the weekly eNews.
Estimated Time Commitment: 15 minutes/week.
A webpage is maintained for students in the beginning class, and a volunteer is needed to maintain the page and post pertinent recordings and information to this site after each class.
Estimated Time Commitment: 30 minutes weekly for six weeks, twice a year.
Volunteers are needed to take and organize photos for the SIM website and Facebook page.
Estimated Time Commitment: 30 minutes monthly.
This online publication comes out twice a year and includes a message from the Board President, as well as articles submitted by community members. Photos and poems may also be included. Volunteers will be needed to collect and organize the articles and photos, proofread the copy and oversee layout and graphic design. Estimated Time Commitment: 8 hours each edition.
SIM volunteers prepare and serve dinner to homeless women and children at St. John’s Shelter on the third Wednesday of each month. Training and support are provided.
Estimated Time Commitment: 2 hours per month.
The SIM Board, with guidance from volunteers and committees, is responsible for making all important decisions regarding SIM activities and finances. The Board is looking for those in the community who would be willing to act in a supportive or backup role for a number of activities including the following:
Estimated Time Commitment: will depend on the particular volunteer area and the willingness of a particular volunteer to devote time. If you’re interest in exploring these possibilities, a member of the Board would meet with you.
SIM’s Founding Teacher & Mentors create and present the teaching curriculum for SIM’s Thursday evenings, daylong retreats and Annual Residential Retreat. From time to time, they need support in a number of different ways including the following:
Estimated Time Commitment: Different time commitments. If you’re interest in exploring these possibilities, SIM’s Founding Teacher and/or one of our Mentors would meet with you.
These volunteer roles are also listed in this tri-fold brochure . If you are interested in volunteering, click the button below and tell us about how you’d like to contribute.