Practice Buddy
SIM BUDDY PROGRAM—An Opportunity For Spiritual Friendship!
The SIM Buddy Program is back! Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to support and expand your practice. Those who sign up for the Buddy Program are randomly paired with another person for a three-month period to share and discuss their experiences in meditation and with the dharma.
Why would I want a Practice Buddy?
The Buddha’s teachings may seem to appear simple and direct. But as we know, learning how to apply them to our emotional reactivity, in our relationships, and in our daily lives is often challenging and unclear. Checking in with a practice buddy and articulating our thoughts clarifies what we are learning and what elements are confusing.
In addition, buddies support one another’s motivation and provide an opportunity for accountability. This, in turn, supports maintaining a daily practice and reinforces our intention to be mindful throughout the day. Working with a practice buddy also helps us to talk more skillfully about our meditation practice and frame questions from a dharma perspective. Best of all, the Buddy Program provides a great way to meet and get to know other SIM community members. We are encouraging random selection of buddies for this reason. However, you always have the option to buddy up with someone you know or to continue with the same person after the three-month period is up. If you do this, please let us know by email if you want any additional support from the Buddy Coordinator or if you are not going to request a new buddy at the end of the three-month period.
You and your buddy will choose your topics for discussion and study. You will also decide the best way to connect and communicate with one another as well as the frequency of your contact. Some people talk by phone once or twice a week and meet up every other week; others stay in touch by email or get together less frequently.
If you have any questions about where to start or what to study, you may want to contact one of SIM’s Community Mentors: Rich Howard,; or Diane Wilde, If you are interested in becoming a Practice Buddy, please email Demetra Orfanos at with your name and email address.