Practice Guides
Each of the following titles* contain basic instruction in the different types of meditation taught at Sacramento Insight Meditation. We hope they serve as a sound introduction to meditation practice and help support your efforts to explore different forms of meditation.
You are welcome to use these materials for educational, not for profit purposes. If you do so, we would appreciate your letting us know how they are being used and whether they have proved helpful.
- How We Practice (at SIM) book
- Going Home: Starting Out on The Path of Insight (Vipassana) Meditation
- Thinking and Thoughts: The Role of Thinking in Meditation
- The Practice of Lovingkindness: Extending Kindness and Care to Ourselves and Others
- The Practice of Compassion: The Heart’s Wise Response to Suffering
- The Practice of Sympathetic Joy: Experiencing the Joy of Others As Our Own
- The Practice of Equanimity: The Balanced Embrace of All Experience
- Movement As Meditation, Part One
- Movement As Meditation, Part Two
- Making Peace with Our Past: Buddhist Forgiveness Meditation
* All instructional materials are copyrighted by the designated author.